Definition of



To supply implies to replace or substitute something.

To supply is to replace or substitute something for something else , to put oneself in someone's place, to hide a defect or to integrate what is missing in something. The term comes from the Latin supplere .

For example: “The coach has not yet defined who will be in charge of replacing the Panamanian striker” , “The young actor promised to replace his father in the play until he returns from his trip , “We must think about how to make up for the lack of breadcrumbs so that the recipe turns out well anyway.”

Supply in sport

Supplement, therefore, is associated with a replacement or a substitution . In the field of sport , the action of substituting is linked to the change of players on a team . This change can occur in the middle of a game due to an injury, or for reasons specific to the game (tactical, performance, etc.).

As teams usually have a regular starting lineup, substitution can also occur before a game (when a player who is usually a substitute enters the starting team to replace another).

The term in teaching

Another area in which this term is usually used is teaching, to talk about substitute teachers (also called substitutes ). It is an ideal position to begin down the path of education, since it offers the possibility of working with students of all ages contemplated by preschool, primary and secondary education. Another of its benefits is that it allows you to try different subjects, until you find the one you prefer.

Among the requirements necessary to work as a substitute teacher is a university degree or passing a competency exam , depending on the country, region and educational center in which you wish to work. On the other hand, filling in for other teachers is not an easy task, especially due to the lack of stability inherent in deadlines: sometimes an absence of two months is covered, other times one day, etc.


There are products that help make up for the lack of certain substances in the diet.

Supply food

Certain substances are used in food to make up for the lack or deficiency of others that are necessary to enjoy good health .

Those preparations intended for this task are known as supplements : “The doctor recommended a vitamin supplement to restore balance in just a few weeks,” “In newborns, there is nothing that can replace breast milk.”

The concept linked to feelings

In the case of feelings, it is often said that "money cannot replace love" , especially when talking about relationships between parents and children or a couple. Given that each living being is unique and unrepeatable, and perceives reality in a particular way, it is not possible to establish what it takes to be happy , to feel satisfied with life; Two people of similar character can understand and go through the same situation in two absolutely different ways, just as two seemingly opposite people can experience a given situation in a similar way.

This leads us to understand that not all people seem to need the same degree of attention and affection , regardless of their age; There are children who, from a very young age, show themselves to be highly independent and who discover their vocation very early, which is why they passionately dedicate themselves to pursuing it and do not seek parental affection in the same way as others with slower development.

If we take an individual from each of these two classes and assign them distant parents, who give them gifts instead of dedicating time to them and showing them genuine interest and love, it is likely that the precocious child will suffer much less from emotional deprivation than the other.

The intention to conceal or cover up a lack , in this framework, is also known as making up: “Now that Palomares has resigned, we have to think about how we are going to make up for his absence without investors noticing.”