Definition of



It is classified as superior to that which is highest.

Superior is an adjective that comes from the Latin word superior and that can refer to an object or a person. In other words, superior is that which is located at a higher height or in a preeminent place compared to another .

For example: «Can you hand me the drill? It's on the top shelf of the furniture," "I don't know who lives on the top floor, but they're bothering me with their noises," "I kept my underwear in the top drawer and I left yours in the bottom one."

Higher rank

Regarding a person, on the other hand, a superior is the one who has subordinates in charge : "If you want to ask for a day off for an exam, you have to talk to the superior" , "I like the job, but I don't get along with my superiors" , "I am your superior, you have to address me with respect."

In this sector, for example, we would come across the term superior officer , which is used within the military field to refer to the head of any military officer. A phrase that would explain this meaning would be the following: "The private soldier received an order from his superior that made him stay on guard duty all night."


Someone superior has more qualities or skills than others.

Excess of virtues

Superior is also something or someone that exceeds other things or people in virtues, skills or abilities . The concept can be used as a synonym for excellent or outstanding .

«Lionel Messi makes a difference because he is a player superior to the rest», "This computer offers superior performance thanks to its latest technology microprocessor" y «For my taste, Mendoza wine is superior to San Juan wine» son frases que muestran este uso.

The concept of superior in astronomy

Within the field of astronomy , we would also have to highlight the existence of a series of expressions and words that make use of the term that concerns us now. Specifically, these are two of the most important:

  • Superior meridian , which is any semicircle that crosses what is the zenith of the corresponding observer and that has the particularity that its diameter is the one corresponding to the distance between one pole and another.
  • Upper planet . This can be used to define, for example, Mars and we can determine that it refers to the entire planet that is further from the Sun than the Earth and that has a larger orbit than the Earth.

The notion in other areas

In the same way, within the field of teaching, there are also terms that make use of the word we are analyzing. Thus, for example, we find what is called higher education or higher education . This is what students who want to develop a specific career or profession must carry out. In this way, we could say that it refers to all those diplomas and degrees that exist at the university level to become lawyers, journalists, doctors or engineers, for example.

For geography , a superior place is one that is located in the upper part of a river basin, differentiating it from the sites that appear in the lower part of the same basin.

Biology , finally, names the most evolved living beings with the most complex organization as superior.