Definition of



Salary is the remuneration that an employee receives for his work.

The concept of salary refers to the regular remuneration assigned for the performance of a position or professional service . The word has its origins in the Latin term solĭdus ( "solid" ), which was the name of an ancient Roman coin.

The term salary is usually used as a synonym for salary (from the Latin salarĭum , related to "salt" ), the regular remuneration or amount of money with which employees are paid.

What is salary

It can be said that the employee receives a salary in exchange for making his workforce available to the employer, within the framework of a series of shared obligations that govern their contractual relationship.

The compensation that the salary implies is paid mainly in money , although a percentage may be settled in some kind evaluable in monetary terms .


It is common for workers to demand better salaries.

The position of employers and workers

It is important to keep in mind that, beyond social responsibility, salaries represent a very different issue for employers and workers. For the former, salaries are part of the company 's costs, although they also constitute a means to motivate workers and, thus, improve their productivity. For the employee, on the other hand, the salary is the means to satisfy his material needs and achieve a certain standard of living .

To resolve conflicts between these different interests regarding salaries, negotiations are established between the employer and the employee, although there is also a tripartite dialogue (Government-company representatives-worker representatives) to determine the basic level of salaries. and establish certain mandatory compliance measures.

The discussion about the characteristics of a fair salary never comes to an end, partly because society is constantly changing and new needs arise that can only be satisfied by using money. On the one hand there are those people who are only looking for the amount that allows them to cover basic expenses and an occasional treat; on the other, those who aspire to great fortunes that open the doors to all kinds of luxuries.

The fair salary

For many Human Resources specialists, a fair salary should not be limited to the satisfaction of basic needs but should also contemplate those desires that we often call "luxuries" or "tastes", as in the previous paragraph. Working for dozens of hours a week, leaving aside your personal life and contact with loved ones, simply to pay rent and utilities is not very encouraging.

In this fight it is very important that the employee expresses himself from the first day, from the first interview, making his expectations clear beyond mandatory payments . However, the fear of appearing too ambitious or materialistic and of being rejected for it leads most applicants to aim low when faced with the key question, "how much do you expect to earn?" . A response considered sensible and safe would be to add up the monthly monetary obligations; A risky but necessary one to promote a change would add personal dreams and expectations , such as a trip, buying a house or taking a course, giving importance to life outside the company.

As mentioned above, the salary serves to make the employee feel comfortable; Compensating them for their work should not simply mean solving a mathematical equation in which a fixed and hermetic amount is paid for each fraction of their effort, but rather promoting their happiness so that they feel that their dedication is worth it, so that they want to continue with their activity . We are human beings, our energy is renewed with more than sleep at night, and that is why we must demand a payment that gives us the possibility of being happy so that work has meaning.