Definition of



In journalism, an event is a fact that is considered relevant and, therefore, deserves to be disseminated.

An event is defined as an issue that occurs . The term has its origin in the Latin word successus and is used especially when what happens or is triggered has a certain significance . That is to say: a man going for a walk down the street is an event in the most literal sense of the concept (because it is something that happens), but the application of the notion gains meaning if the man walking is naked or if he finds thousands of dollars on your walk, for example.

The identification of an event is usually related to the journalistic fact . Information or news is considered an event if it meets the requirements or if its content warrants publication in a mass media. Returning to the previous example, a man walking down the street is not news (or an event), but it becomes a journalistic fact if he walks naked.

The journalistic fact

In this case, it must be made clear that the term we are addressing is so important in the field of journalism that many newspapers, magazines or even digital media include among their sections what is called Events . This is basically made up of events such as murders, deaths in strange circumstances, accidents or criminal acts of various types.

Thus, for example, the robbery of a jewelry store, the murder of a pedestrian in the middle of the street due to a settlement of scores, or an intentional fire that occurred in a company are some of the information that can become part of said journalistic section.

However, there are also media outlets that do not include events as a section between their pages, whether on paper or virtual, but rather revolve entirely around them. This would be the case of Caso Abierto , which is a digital newspaper about those mentioned and the most important cases framed within what is the so-called black chronicle.


The statements of a president constitute an event that is picked up by the media.

paranormal events

In addition to all of the above, we can talk about what are known as paranormal events . This term is used to encompass all those phenomena that take place without any of the physical, psychic or biological sciences being able to find an explanation for them. This will cause them, however, to be studied by the so-called Parapsychology.

Thus, the appearance of ghosts, the existence of haunted houses or the ability of someone to move objects with their mind can be considered paranormal events.

The concept in physics, philosophy and mathematics

For physics and the philosophical field, an event constitutes a mark in time that can be differentiated from another similar event based on the modifications that have occurred in a system . There is, therefore, a before and after regarding this event.

In the field of mathematics , an event is one of the possible conclusions of a random experiment. This random event or event represents a subset of the sample space that includes the possible results of the experiment in question.

The event as success

Finally, an event is called the success or positive result of a commercial operation, business or event .

“Dan Brown's latest book became a bestseller around the world” y “The meeting was a real success for the company” son expresiones que muestran este uso de la noción.