Definition of



Heart failure can cause a person to die suddenly.

Suddenly is what happens suddenly . Latin is where we can establish that the etymological origin of the term is found since it comes from the Latin adjective "," which can be translated as "sudden or unexpected."

The sudden is what is sudden, unexpected, impetuous or hasty . For example: “Juan was talking and suddenly turned pale and fainted,” “The colonel seemed abstracted from the situation until he suddenly hit the table and ordered Folfright to be called,” “The writer died suddenly while drinking.” sun in the garden of his house.”

die suddenly

Sudden death is known as a form of natural death that occurs due to cardiac causes and is unexpected. More than half of sudden deaths are due to ventricular fibrillation (a manifestation of ischemic heart disease).

The people who are most at risk of suffering sudden death are those who have had a myocardial infarction some time ago, who have a low level of blood pumping or even who have a family history of this type of death.

Among the symptoms experienced by those who suffer this sudden death are both simple dizziness, which turns into a loss of consciousness, and a heartbeat that begins to accelerate palpably. Hence, in any of both situations, it is recommended that the person who has them quickly go to a hospital so that tests can be performed there to make it clear that the diagnosis is that they have suffered a condition of this type: electrocardiogram, stress test, chest x-ray and even, in the most extreme cases, a cardiac catheterization.

Although sudden death is recognized for its surprise and unforeseen factor, doctors say it can be prevented with physical activity. In any case, this recommendation does not apply in all cases, since sudden death can affect babies and very young children.

Its incidence in children

It is important to emphasize that sudden death occurs in a significant number within the child population , specifically among those under one year of age. In these cases, the death of the baby occurs while sleeping in its crib in a sudden and sudden manner.

To avoid this, parents are recommended to follow a series of tips such as having their little ones sleep on their backs, resting on a firm mattress and not being exposed to excessive heat.


When a device suddenly fails, the user loses control over the equipment.

Stop working suddenly

Everything sudden, in short, is linked to the unexpected. A computer that turns off suddenly is one that stops working suddenly, in the middle of a process, and not by decision of the user. In a similar sense, any device that turns off suddenly is one that suddenly stops carrying out the operations indicated by the user.

The opposite of suddenly would be expectedly or predictably : “The computer predictably stopped working, since it had been failing for several days,” “Brazil expectedly defeated China 3 to 0 and will face Portugal in the next round of the tournament.”