Definition of



A spoiler is a comment that advances the plot of a book or movie.

Spoiler is an English term that, in our language , is usually used to name the text that anticipates the plot of a film, book or other work. In this way, when encountering a spoiler, a person loses the opportunity to be surprised when seeing or reading the work in question, something that could happen if they did not have said information.

In some nations , spoiler is known as spoiling . This concept can be understood as the data that anticipates the end of a work or that, at least, provides very relevant information about the development of the story, to the point of attacking the impact that its creators hoped to have on the public.

Examples of spoilers

Suppose a film critic reviews a movie . If your text tells which characters die at the end of the film, you will have included a spoiler. Typically, people do not want to find spoilers so that they do not "ruin" the ending of the work, although there are exceptions: an individual who does not plan to see a movie but is interested in knowing about it can find this type of data very useful and interesting.

To avoid disappointment for the viewer or reader, it is common for an editor to clarify when a spoiler will be included. In this way, a film review could appear written in the following way:

«This is an interesting and moving drama, although quite predictable. SPOILER: Mariela ends up being Mónica's biological daughter, something that could be intuited from the first minute by paying a little attention to the facts. END OF SPOILER. The film, in any case, is quite entertaining and invites reflection.

The term in video games

In the video game industry, the word spoiler appears very frequently, especially in the analysis of titles that are about to be launched on the market. Given the great variety that characterizes this art form, the spoiler is not always related to a plot or the ending of a story, but can be about the identity and abilities of certain secondary characters or enemies known as " "bosses", the scenarios that the player must visit, items and elements that the developers intend to keep secret until the last moment, or any other information that could ruin the user's experience if they know it before playing for the first time.

In the same way as in a written review, when a work is analyzed in a video, clear indications must appear at the beginning and end of a spoiler, with enough time to pause or close it.


In aeronautics, the spoiler is an element that is installed on the wing to minimize the lift force.

Spoiler in aeronautics

This term has other very different meanings. In the field of aeronautics, for example, a spoiler is a device created to reduce the lifting force of aircraft .

Also known as a deflector or disruptor , it is a plate that is mounted on top of each wing, with a design that allows it to open upwards to alter the laminar flow (also called laminar flow , it is the orderly, smooth and stratified fluid, which moves in parallel sheets, which do not mix). In this way, the spoiler also significantly increases the resistance of the wing.

A DC Comics character

In the universe of DC comics , for its part, Spoiler is the name that Stephanie Brown , daughter of one of Batman 's many enemies, adopts for her adventures as a superhero.

Spoiler goes against his father's plans, although he does so secretly ; Help Batman and the police find him, leaving clues to the location of his hideout. This character is also known for his romance with Robin , whom he falls in love with throughout the many missions they share.