Definition of

Job application

work order

A job application is a note that an individual sends to a company applying for a job opportunity.

A request is a request or an errand . The term, which comes from the Latin sollicitudo , refers to the verb to request (to ask, intend or look for something). Employment , for its part, is a term with several meanings, although in this case we are interested in its use to name an occupation, job or trade.

The notion of job application , therefore, is linked to the contact letter that a person sends to a company with the intention of applying for a job opportunity, either because they really want to work there or because they know that they have positions available. that fit your profile.

For example: "This morning I completed four job applications: I hope I'm lucky" , "The multinational informed that it will accept job applications until the end of the month and then it will close its workforce" , "They just called me from the studio: they say they approved my application of employment .

Characteristics of a job application

The job application can be spontaneous (when the worker writes to the company and attaches his or her resume to be taken into account when a vacancy arises) or managed by the company itself (which designs a standard form so that interested parties complete it).

The central aspect of a job application consists of explaining the person's interests (what is the reason for their contact) and detailing their experience, knowledge and skills. In general, it is recommended to use a formal tone that expresses precisely and unambiguously what the subject intends with their application (to be hired for a certain position, to do an internship, to collaborate part-time, etc.).

Curriculum vitae

Typically, the job application is submitted along with the curriculum vitae.

A successful search

There is no defined series of steps that ensure success when applying for a job, but there are certain tips that maximize candidates' chances. First of all, it is essential to be clear about your own objectives; If we don't know why we want to work at a particular company, or occupy a particular position, then it will be very difficult for us to convince the other party to give us a chance.

Many times we are motivated by the need to earn an income, but this reason should not be shouted from the rooftops during a job interview; Depending on the type of job for which we apply, it is usually preferable to show a motivation other than money, a focus on professional and personal growth.

Contrary to what many think, not all employers place so much importance on university degrees; While many companies include them in their basic requirements , truly talented and determined people often manage to break through this barrier. Knowing this, if we are determined to work for a particular company, we must pay attention exclusively to our strengths, and prevent our insecurities from taking over the interviews .

Job application and perseverance

A job application can be quite a challenge, a battle in which only those who know how to get up and continue to the end are victorious. We must be prepared for all types of mishaps and uncomfortable moments, such as health problems that prevent us from having our faculties at 100%, hostility on the part of those who interview us, inclement weather on the day of the first contact , and potential delays of public transportation. But nothing should stop us.

Finally, sincerity is very important when making a job application, since it prevents us from sustaining a web of lies that generally tends to turn against us. Why include work experience that we have not had in our resume? Although the strong demand tempts us to falsify our data, it is always preferable to defend our true trajectory, our true capabilities and obtain the position we are looking for by being authentic.