Definition of



Graduation is a solemn act.

Solemn , whose etymological root takes us to the Latin solemnis , is an adjective used to describe something that is done with sumptuousness, pomp or great formality . For example: “In a solemn act, the writer was declared Illustrious Son of the city” , “Please, I do not want a solemn celebration: I prefer something informal” , “The government organized a solemn ceremony to honor the memory of the former president” .

Solemnity (the solemn act) is usually arranged for events of great importance that, due to their entity, require a certain formality or majesty . Thus, the solemn event is organized in advance and is carried out according to certain pre-established rules, respecting a protocol .

Examples of solemn act

Let us take the case of a university that awards an honorary doctorate to a famous musician. For the artist's investiture, it organizes a solemn ceremony attended by the institution's top authorities and prepares a special suit for the new doctor to wear. After several speeches, the musician is given a diploma certifying his honorary doctorate and is invited to speak to the audience.

Within the aforementioned university environment, the graduation of final-year students can also be considered a solemn act. This is an event where the main authorities of the educational institution meet to award degrees to students in a ceremony that includes speeches, the usual interpretation of the university anthem by the choir, the personalized presentation of the aforementioned credentials...


The idea of ​​solemn is used in the religious field.

The concept in religion

In the religious sphere, it is also common to use the term we are now discussing. Thus, for example, it is often used to refer to what has been called the solemn triduum, which are three-day events in which special liturgical acts are carried out to celebrate the name day of a specific saint or virgin. Thus, for example, triduums are often held in honour of the Virgin of Carmen in different parts of Spain when her saint's day is celebrated.

In the same way, within the Catholic Church, two special solemn dates are established throughout the year, such as the Easter Triduum of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Christ, which is what is known as Holy Week, and Easter Sunday, which is what is known as Easter Time. We can say that the latter is considered the central day of the liturgical year.

Other uses of the adjective solemn

The adjective solemn can also be applied to something that is transcendental : “You and I will have a solemn talk tonight” , “I think you cannot let this solemn occasion pass” .

Solemn, finally, can be used in a pejorative way to highlight something: “The explanation you have given me is a solemn stupidity” or “Thinking that this problem can be solved with a little money is a solemn nonsense” .