Definition of

free software

Computer program

Free software is characterized by the freedoms it offers to the user.

Free software is any computer program that provides great freedom to the user , being able to use it , modify it , copy it and redistribute it without restrictions.

It should be noted that software is a term from the English language that is part of the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ). This is the computer program that allows the execution of various tasks on a computer ( computer ).

Free , for its part, is an adjective with multiple uses. On this occasion we are interested in staying with its meaning as that which is not subject to something or that is exempt from some imposition.

Features of free software

It is determined that, for software to be considered free, it is essential that it offers the user four great freedoms :

  • Freedom to run the program in question as you wish and for the purpose you see fit.
  • Freedom to redistribute copies that you consider useful in order to “offer” help to the people around you.
  • Freedom to study the program in depth, find out how it works and even change it if you see fit.
  • Freedom not only to modify the software, but also to be able to redistribute it once changed, so that more people can enjoy it.

These are freedoms that the user in question can choose whether to use or not. However, you can even use them all at the same time.


Free software can be modified.

Different licenses

It is important to note that there are various software licenses . To understand what free software is, the simplest thing is to contrast it with programs whose licenses must be purchased and which include different limitations : prohibition on copying it, distributing it, modifying it, etc. Most programs, in fact, do not belong to free software, but are commercial computer programs.

Among the set of licenses that exist in this regard, we would highlight, above all, the GPL , the LGPL , the AGPL and the APSL , without forgetting the Apache .

Free software is used in various areas and fields, especially in education. which represents another step towards the development of ICT.

Free software and freeware

However, free software should not be confused with free software or freeware . Since free software can be modified and redistributed, a user can make the decision to commercialize it. Freeware, on the other hand, can be free but prevent modifications, to name one possibility.

Access to the program's source code is essential in free software: otherwise, making modifications is almost impossible. A user who does not have access to this code will face great difficulties in modifying and adapting the software.

In addition to all of the above, we can clarify that there are people who resort to using the term free software as a synonym for open source , however, for others that is a mistake. The latter establish that they are not the same because they differ in that the first refers to freedoms and the second, however, focuses more on the price.