Definition of



Partners are individuals who work towards a common goal.

Partner is the individual who joins with another to develop something together. People who are linked with a common goal (that is, who associate) form a society .

The term comes from the Latin socĭus . For example: "I need a partner to be able to carry out this project" , "We are in trouble: a partner withdrew from the company and we have no more capital" , "This afternoon I have a meeting with our partners in Brazil" .

Rights and obligations of partners

In this sense, it is very important to recognize that every partner of a company or society has a series of rights and, of course, obligations based on the legislation and also depending on the corporate form that has been chosen.

Therefore, in a basic way, and based on these characteristics, we can establish that there are two fundamental types of participation in different companies. Thus, on the one hand, there is the so-called equal participation , which is that which occurs within a cooperative , for example. In it, therefore, all partners are equal, they have the same rights and when voting on issues of various kinds, each of them has a single vote.

Secondly, there is participation based on the contribution of each of the partners. The so-called commercial companies are where one takes place that makes it clear that not all partners are equal since each one has a weight based on the capital contribution they have made. This in turn means that whoever has invested more money in the same account also has more decision-making power.


The partners, by agreeing to join, form a company.

Classification according to class

There are different types of partners. Industrial partners are those who participate in a company's profits thanks to their contribution of knowledge or work, but without contributing capital.

The case of capitalist partners is different, who inject money into a company with the aim of, in the future, obtaining a greater amount through profits or interest.

Another classification speaks of partners with limited liability (they assume responsibility before the law according to the capital contributed to the company) or partners with unlimited liability (who have the obligation to assume what the company owes with its assets , both present and future). .

Partner as a compositional element and in cinema

Socio, on the other hand, is a compositional element that mentions the social or society : “The different regions of our country present great sociocultural differences,” “The European socioeconomic level cannot be compared with the Latin American one.”

In the field of cinema, it must be emphasized that there are several productions that have taken the term in question to establish their titles. Thus, for example, there is the film "Socios" , from 1982 . In it, starring John Hurt and Ryan O'Neal , it tells how two male police officers must pretend to be a couple to try to clarify the murder of a homosexual.