Definition of


Advertising slogan

A slogan is an advertising motto.

Slogan is an English word that is not part of the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) . It can be translated as motto , which is the title that precedes certain works, the nickname that is placed on emblems to make them more understandable or the proposal of a speech.

In our language , the concept can appear as a slogan , which is part of the RAE as a brief and original formula used for advertising . The advertising slogan or motto is used in a commercial or political context as part of propaganda and with the intention of summarizing and representing an idea . The premise is that said phrase is easy for the public to remember.

Objectives of a slogan

The slogan tries to draw attention to a product or service, highlighting certain qualities or trying to associate it with a symbolic value. Spreading the benefits of the brand to differentiate it from the competition and generating a desire or need in the consumer are the purposes of the slogan.

Slogan creators usually appeal to mnemonics , which is a mental association procedure that makes it easier to remember something. Word games, repetitive choruses, rhymes, onomatopoeia and certain sequences of images are some of the resources used.

"Just do it" ("Just do it") es uno de los slogans más famosos del mundo. Es utilizado por Nike, una empresa dedicada a la producción de calzado e indumentaria deportiva. Dicha frase se complementa con el famoso logo de la marca y con la participación de estrellas del deporte en las publicidades.


A slogan should attract attention and be easy to remember.

Tips for construction

The etymology of the word slogan reveals the union of two terms of Gaelic origin, sluagh and ghairm , which can be translated as "crowd" and "scream" , respectively. Overall, it can be said that it is a "war cry" , an invitation to movement and active participation in an event.

Although slogans are usually short and very easy to understand, this does not mean that their creation is a simple process ; On the contrary, especially if one considers that it is a phrase that remains associated with a brand forever, it is based on an arduous analysis of various factors until finding the appropriate "cry".

Let's look at some points to take into account to create a good slogan:

  • A slogan should be easy to include in a common conversation . This is achieved through the use of constructions similar to those of proverbs, trying to make them seem like advice based on popular wisdom, to reinforce consumers' trust in the brand and encourage them to participate in its dissemination.
  • It is advisable to start with a verb , especially in the imperative mood, to fulfill its etymological purpose of "inviting to action."
  • It must be complemented with the name of the company to give a brief description of its activity, its purposes, its history ( "taking care of your home since 1940" ).
  • The ideal slogan does not exceed five words, a limit consistent with the pace of life in large cities , which does not give rise to deep and extensive conversations.
  • There must be an inverse proportion between the number of words and the number of syllables.
  • It is advisable to study the use of language in the country or countries that will receive the slogan, trying to create a phrase that is easy to pronounce for as many people as possible, and that does not contain rarely used or confusing constructions.
  • At its best, a slogan is concrete and concise, not based on abstraction. The more direct the message, the more likely it is to be understood correctly by the audience.