Definition of

Nervous system


The nervous system is studied by neuroscience.

The nervous system is a network of tissues that is responsible for capturing and processing signals so that the body develops an effective interaction with the environment.

It should be noted that a system is called an ordered module of elements that interact with each other and are interrelated . The notion is used to name the set of concrete objects (material) and the set of abstract concepts (symbolic) provided with organization .

Nervous , on the other hand, is that belonging to or relating to the nerves (the set of fibers that conduct impulses through various parts of the body).

Functions of the nervous system

The nervous system fulfills three main functions. The sensitive function is given by the ability to feel stimuli (internal and external), while the integrative function is responsible for analyzing said stimuli, storing information and promoting a decision in this regard. Motor function , finally, is the response to stimuli through muscle movement, gland secretion, etc.

However, as it could not be otherwise, the brain plays a primary role in the correct functioning of the nervous system. And this is responsible for processing the information it receives in the cerebral cortex and, from there, collating it and subsequently transforming it into real material.

Neurons constitute the basic unit of the nervous system. These are specialized cells that coordinate actions through chemical and electrical signals that they send to the various regions of the body.


Neurons in the central nervous system establish communications with each other through synapses.

The CNS and the PNS

Regarding anatomy, it is possible to divide the nervous system into the central nervous system ( CNS ) and the peripheral nervous system ( PNS ). The CNS , formed by the brain and spinal cord, integrates sensory information, generates thoughts and stores memory.

The brain we would have is the mass that is contained within the brain and is surrounded by the meninges. These are three membranes that, in turn, are composed of the pia mater, the dura mater and the arachnoid mater.

Likewise, we must not overlook that the brain is divided into three clearly differentiated elements: the cerebellum , the cerebrum and the medulla oblongata . However, although these are the main and most voluminous, the midbrain or hypothalamus are also part of it.

The PNS , for its part, is made up of cranial nerves (born in the brain) and spinal nerves (born in the spinal cord) and transmits impulses.

Regarding its function, a distinction can be made between the autonomic nervous system (which assumes control of involuntary functions such as sweating, salivation, urination, digestion, respiratory rate and heart rate) and the somatic nervous system (which conducts motor control information and sensory data to skeletal muscles).

The autonomic nervous system, in turn, is divided into the sympathetic nervous system (regulates the secretion of certain glands and the contraction of smooth muscles), the parasympathetic nervous system (controls some involuntary acts, such as miosis and bronconstriction), and the nervous system. enteric (which affects the functioning of the digestive system).

Study of the nervous system and the endocrine system

The interactions between the endocrine system and the nervous system are studied by neuroendocrinology.

Diseases that affect the nervous system

In addition to everything stated above, we would have to highlight that there are a series of diseases that notably or exclusively affect the nervous system. Specifically, these are the most common or significant:

  • Multiple sclerosis , which is a degenerative type pathology that causes serious damage to the central nervous system. It can cause anything from disability to different degrees of reduced mobility.
  • Parkinson's disease . This disease directly harms neurons, specifically those responsible for controlling muscle movements.
  • Alzheimer's disease . It is a degenerative pathology that causes damage to neurons and results in notable memory losses.
  • Epilepsy . It is generated by a failure in the electrical activity carried out by neurons in certain areas of the brain.

Neuritis , neuropathies , radiculopathies , myelopathies , encephalopathies , neuralgias , polyneuropathies and syringomyelia are also among the disorders that can affect, in different ways, the nervous system.

It is important to indicate that neurodegeneration that causes progressive alterations or even the death of neurons can be a normal or pathological process. It is considered normal as part of aging, while in other cases they arise as a consequence of a pathology.

Neuropharmacology (which analyzes how drugs affect the function of cells and neuronal mechanisms), neurosurgery (dedicated to the treatment of conditions of the nervous system through surgical interventions), neuropsychiatry (examines mental problems that are attributed to diseases of the nervous system), neuropsychology (branch that studies the link between the nervous system and behavior) and pediatric neurology or neuropediatrics (oriented to the diagnosis and treatment of neurological pathologies in children) are medical specialties that contribute to the treatment of this type of diseases and disorders.