Definition of



Syncretism implies the meeting or fusion of different positions or doctrines.

Before entering fully into clarifying the meaning of the term syncretism , we are going to proceed to determine its etymological origin. In this sense, we can state that it is a word that derives from Greek, specifically from “synkretismos”, which is made up of three different elements:

-The prefix “syn-”, which can be translated as “with”.

-The term “Kriti”, which is synonymous with “Cretan”.

-The suffix “-ism”, which is used to refer to a “doctrine” or “system”.

Concept of syncretism

The conciliation of different doctrines or positions is known as syncretism . Syncretism, in this way, implies the fusion of different elements in unions that, sometimes, lack internal coherence.

It is possible to find syncretism in various areas. Cultural syncretism , for example, is the result of the process that takes place when two or more peoples come into contact and their traditions begin to mix. When the European conquerors arrived in America, a cultural syncretism occurred from the encounter between both peoples. In certain cases, syncretism was rather a forced assimilation of the dominant culture by the conquered peoples, who managed to maintain certain traits of their own.

The notion in religion

Links between different communities can also lead to religious syncretism . This process usually develops spontaneously when two religions try to coexist harmoniously in the same community. Religious syncretism could be seen in a hypothetical group that simultaneously believes in Jesus Christ as the son of God and in Hindu divinities.

Voodoo , in Haiti , is another example of religious syncretism since it combines African religious elements with characteristics typical of the people of the Caribbean .


Voodoo is an example of syncretism: it combines Caribbean and African elements.

Syncretism in Guatemala

In America we also find a clear example of religious syncretism. Specifically, it is found in Guatemala, more specifically in the Catholic Church of Santo Tomás de Chichicastenango, where the symbols, ideas and beliefs of the Mayan religion are also allowed. Because? The explanation is that in the 19th century, exactly in the year 1800, what is known as the “Mayan Bible”, the manuscript of Popol Vuh, was found inside that temple, by the Catholic priest who worked there, who did not He hesitated to read it to his parishioners.

For this reason, from that very moment it was determined that both religions are allowed in the church. So much so that its faithful develop rites and officiate ceremonies using symbols and elements of both such as flower petals, candles, brandy...

The term in other areas

Within the cultural, religious and artistic sphere, certain movements, styles or trends are spoken of as clearly syncretistic. This would be the case, for example, of Hellenism, since it is considered to have opted to unite Egyptian gods with Greeks, Romans or Phoenicians.

The idea of ​​syncretism can even be applied to politics . Political syncretism is linked to the movement or party that combines elements of a right-wing doctrine with facets of the left, two positions that are theoretically opposite.

In the field of linguistics , finally, syncretism implies that at least two linguistic elements are expressed in a single form. This means that different morphosyntactic values ​​share an ending.