Definition of



Syphilis is caused by the bacteria Treponema pallidum.

Syphilis is a chronic, infectious disease that is transmitted through sexual relations or through offspring . The infection is caused by a bacteria called Treponema pallidum , which is part of the phylum spirochetes .

It is interesting to mention that Syphilis is a term whose etymology refers to Siphylo , which is the name of a character created by the writer and doctor Jerónimo Fracastoro ( 14781553 ) in his poem “De Morbo Gallico” .

The origin of syphilis is unclear. Some theories maintain that the disease already existed in pre-Columbian times and that the European conquerors, upon returning to their land of origin, brought it to the Old Continent .

Syphilis transmission

Treponema pallidum , which has a length of less than 15 micrometers and a diameter of no more than 0.2 micrometers, is multiplied by simple division. Its transmission can occur through sexual relations (including oral sex), kissing on the mouth or shared syringes . A mother , for her part, can pass syphilis to her baby through the birth canal .

Sharing clothing, kitchen or bathroom utensils, on the other hand, does not promote the transmission of syphilis, nor do blood transfusions. If a condom is used during sexual intercourse, on the other hand, the possibility of contagion is minimized.


Using a condom during sexual relations minimizes the risk of contracting syphilis.

Other information of interest

In addition to everything stated above, it is worth knowing other information of interest in this regard, among which are the following:

  • It is considered that the French monarchical armies spread it throughout the Old Continent , hence in some corners of it it was known as the “French evil” .
  • As we have mentioned, it can be transmitted through sexual relations, even if there is no penetration or exchange of fluids.
  • The main way to diagnose a person if they suffer from syphilis is to undergo an analysis . However, you can also choose to obtain a fluid sample from the lesions you present.
  • It is important to know that those who have this pathology have a higher risk of becoming infected with HIV .
  • Although it was considered to be an infection that was already quite “outdated” , the truth is that in recent times it has become very present again based on different cases that have become known in the United States . And in certain areas of the country, such as Texas , the number of individuals who suffer from it has increased by up to 70% .
  • In Europe , there are also three countries that lead the way in people with syphilis, according to data from recent years. Specifically, we are referring to Germany , the United Kingdom and Spain .
  • Throughout history, many people have had to face this disease, which centuries ago caused numerous deaths. Among the most famous figures is Al Capone .

Development and treatment of syphilis

Syphilis is characterized, in the first stage, by the production of lesions known as chancres , which are papules that secrete fluids. The disease, as it progresses, causes headache, joint and throat pain; weight loss; fever and other disorders. Finally, in its last stage, syphilis causes lesions in the spinal cord and brain, heart disease and vision problems, which can lead to the death of the patient .

It should be noted that syphilis can be treated with penicillin and other antibiotics , without leaving consequences when treated quickly.