Definition of



In multiple ranges, mountains and forests there are trails of varying difficulty for hiking.

Sendero is a term from the Latin word semitarius that is taken into account in Spanish when looking for a synonym for concepts such as path or path .

They tend to be narrower shortcuts than trails and many of them, especially those with pedestrian crossings enabled for walking or suitable for cycling , have informative signage.

More and more people with a sporting spirit travel along these types of routes or corridors practicing hiking , an outdoor experience that does not extend beyond one day and can be adapted to different levels of difficulty.

Trail Features

The trails , traditionally, were conceived as a space reserved for covering journeys on foot, but pack animals began to circulate along several of them. With the passage of time, traffic regulations also had to be designed and applied given that motorcycles, bicycles, trucks and cars were also invading the trails , a reality that represents a serious danger both for pedestrians and for nature as a whole.

A wide variety of trails are distinguished worldwide, each with exclusive features that allow them to be differentiated from each other beyond variables such as extension or geographical location.

For example, accessible trails have been enabled that have infrastructure and viewpoints prepared for collective enjoyment, without excluding any human being based on physical, intellectual or disability -related conditions.

Even pilgrimage trails , thematic trails , urban trails and nature trails are recognized.

More particular are the so-called safe paths and/or school corridors , since in this case they are circuits that are delimited in urban areas in order to accentuate crime prevention and security services to protect neighbors, teachers, students and families. in their transfers to and from educational entities.

Paths to the sea

In different spas and beach accesses there are well-marked paths: some of these paths are built with wood, but others are laid out on vegetation or sand.


There are many motivations and ways to get into hiking and accumulate exciting experiences in contact with the environment.

This recreational activity, which can be carried out individually although it is usually safer and more rewarding if done in a group, is developed in a wide range of formats, surfaces and modalities.

Some prefer, to cite a specific case, aquatic hiking routes, while others prioritize immersive interpretive hiking in national parks .

In Spain , meanwhile, three circuits have been approved: the short- distance trail , the local trail and the long-distance trail .

Importance of trails

Trails are important because they facilitate movement, mark the direction towards the desired direction or destination and are useful for keeping both the fauna and flora of a place cared for and valued. It also enhances tourism in certain regions, attracting people to a specific destination with the intention of visiting a nature reserve , a national park , a jungle , etc.

The development and provision of a trail can be used as an environmental education tool with the aim of providing useful data on ecology and raising awareness among visitors about the need to respect and preserve biodiversity .

Practicing hiking is also beneficial for the body and mind because it stimulates socialization, contributes to mental health and allows you to maintain stable and positive values ​​in terms of heart rate, body weight, blood pressure, etc.

wooded paths

In mountain and forest areas it is advisable, for safety reasons, to organize group outings for hiking, if possible hiring the services of a local guide and always respecting the authorized paths without leaving or deviating from the marked route.

Tips and precautions

Those who have been gaining experience as hikers for some time or have trained as guides, rescue personnel, wildlife rangers or similar often share advice so that all those who wish to travel along trails of varying complexity can have a safe, comfortable and charming expedition . In this context, instructions and articles focusing on security measures, convenient practices and necessary precautions abound on the Internet .

As basic equipment, it is suggested to have a backpack, preferably waterproof, in which to store basic first aid items, a compass , a map , a device with a Global Positioning System ( GPS ), a mobile phone , food , a bottle with water to guarantee hydration. and clothing appropriate to the possibility of a sudden change in the prevailing weather conditions at the beginning of the journey .

Sunglasses , a cap or hat , clothing and footwear that are comfortable for the activity to be carried out, insect repellent products and sunscreen are also essential. To minimize fatigue and contribute to stability after several hours of walking, the use of a walking cane as support is encouraged.

You must also know how to act and who to go to in the event of an emergency , without forgetting the importance of never leaving the marked path or lighting fires in any corner, reading the signs carefully, maintaining a safe distance from each wild animal that eventually crosses or approaches and try to notify someone (from a family member to a park ranger) of the adventure you intend to undertake. Of course, beyond having the ideal equipment and being well physically prepared for the planned walk , it is always advisable to suspend or postpone any outdoor plan if the weather is not favorable (due to strong winds , presence of ice or snow , benches of fog , etc.) or if, even though the day seems unbeatable at the time of starting the outing, the weather forecast announces high chances of extreme temperatures or the probability of a storm .