Definition of



A path is a narrow path.

Senda is a term that comes from the Latin semĭta . Its most common meaning is related to the path that is narrower than the sidewalk and that is intended for the transit of pedestrians and small livestock. For example: “You have to walk about four kilometers along this path and you will find the waterfall,” “To get to Don David's field you have to follow a path that is in very bad condition, full of wells,” “The Italian businessman will be prosecuted .” for installing a gate on a public path.”

The paths are usually rural pedestrian roads that, in ancient times, allowed different towns or villages to be connected. Currently the paths have become routes used by tourists to reach different attractions.

Paths in Madrid

In the case of Madrid , for example, there is a wide itinerary of paths whose clear objective is that both the residents of the region and the rest of the people who visit it can discover the rich and varied natural heritage that it has.

Thus, this set of hiking alternatives is made up of routes to admire and learn about the natural spaces that are protected, the routes that run through the old ravines, those known as green paths and finally others of great interest that allow you to discover both itineraries suitable for climbers or mountaineers as rural routes.


The trails allow the development of the recreational activity known as hiking.

Paths for the development of a recreational activity

Hiking is known as the recreational activity that takes place on paths that are usually approved and marked by the authorities.

The intention is for people to enjoy nature and get closer to the local culture: “This vacation I want to go hiking,” “The town has resurfaced thanks to hiking, which attracted thousands of foreign tourists,” “I love adventure tourism .” and hiking.”

Elephant trail

It is also important to establish the existence of what is known as the elephant path , which acquired special importance during the late 19th and early 20th centuries especially. It is an itinerary that circulated through Africa and that allowed us to find the places where elephants had their habitat, something that was used to hunt them or simply to discover the space where they died and where significant quantities of ivory, which was so valued, could be obtained. in the market.

There are many films that throughout history have been made around that aforementioned path. Thus, for example, we find “The Path of the Elephants” , which was made in 1954 by William Dieterle .

Elizabeth Taylor, Peter Finch y Dana Andrews son algunos de los actores que encabezaban el reparto de esta producción americana que narra la vida de un matrimonio en Africa haciendo frente a todo tipo de problemas sentimentales y ambientales.

Other uses of the concept

A path can also be a procedure to do or achieve something : “To succeed in professional sports, the only possible path is to lead a healthy and orderly life” , “Honesty is the path to success in business” .

In any of its meanings, in short, a path is something that can be followed, whether physically or symbolically, and that leads to another place or state.