Definition of



A seminar is a space for training and learning.

Seminar , from the Latin seminarĭus , is a class or didactic meeting where a specialist interacts with the attendees in common work to disseminate knowledge or develop research.

The seminar is a specialized meeting , of a technical or academic nature, that attempts to develop an in-depth study on a certain subject. Generally, it is established that a seminar must last a minimum of two hours and have at least fifty participants.

Seminars of this type were invented in the 18th century. Specifically, the students of the German University of Göttingen did so with the clear objective of being able to carry out a series of initiatives that would perfectly unite teaching itself and also research.

Objectives of a seminar

We can establish that the meaning of starting any seminar is for its attendees to enter fully and thoroughly into a specific subject. But not only that, but they also study it from a much more practical point of view, which will become a tool of great professional help for them.

Learning in a seminar is active, since participants must search for and process information within the framework of reciprocal collaboration among themselves and through interaction with the specialist.

For example: “I signed up for a seminar on corporate social responsibility that will be held next week,” “I'm nervous: my boss left me in charge of a training seminar for our clients.”

priestly seminary

The conciliar seminary allows the training of priests.

Training of priests

A conciliar or priestly seminary is, on the other hand, the training house for young people who wish to dedicate themselves to the priestly ministry. The seminaries are under the authority of a bishop.

Within any religious seminary, whether Christian or Jewish, it must be determined that there is a clearly delimited structure. Specifically, it has as its central axes the confessor, the rector, the spiritual director, the librarian, the secretary of studies, the treasurer and the prefect of discipline.

The seminaries only accept men who have a right intention towards the priesthood, availability towards celibacy and who have received the sacraments of baptism, confession, communion and confirmation. In the same way, it is established that every man who wishes to enter a seminary must meet another important series of requirements. Among them is the fact that you make the decision freely and without pressure from anything or anyone; having good health at all levels and having moral and spiritual capacity.

Among the many subjects studied in the seminary, we could highlight ethics, canon law, languages, church history or moral theology.

Seminar as a term linked to seeds and semen

Seminar is also that belonging to or relating to seeds . Vegetable seedbeds are known as seminaries.

The adjective can also refer to what belongs to or relates to semen . Long ago, semen banks (the unit that stores human or animal semen for subsequent artificial insemination) were called seminars.