Definition of



A seed houses the embryo of a new plant.

The seed is, according to botany , the component of a fruit that houses the embryo that can develop into a new plant. A seed is also known as the grain that vegetables produce and that, when sown or fall to the ground, generates other specimens that belong to the species in question.

Plants that have seeds are known as spermatophytes . The seed appears when an ovule belonging to an angiosperm or a gymnosperm reaches a certain point of maturity. The seed not only includes an embryo that can develop into another plant, but it also houses food.

Said food has a thin tissue known as endosperm , which can have starch , oil and various nutrients. In any case, the seeds of some plants do not have an endosperm, as in the case of sunflowers, beans and radishes. The seeds of angiosperms , on the other hand, are housed by structures called fruits .

Structure of an angiospermic seed

Regarding the structure of an angiospermic seed, we can say that it is made up of the following fundamental parts:

Tegument. This term is used to define the seed envelope that is responsible for protecting it and is also characterized by being durable.

Cotyledons. They are where the food reserve is stored.

Thread. This is the meeting point between the seed itself and the ovary.

Plumule. This concept is the one used to refer to the specific place where the first leaves are formed.

Radicle. Specifically, it can be established that this is the structure that starts from the aforementioned plumule and then becomes a root.


Seeds are important in human nutrition.

Plant reproduction and human nutrition

When talking about seeds it is impossible not to refer to the germination process and it is through this that, once they are placed in the environment, they give rise to another plant. This is a unique process that is influenced by elements such as temperature, light, oxygen or humidity itself.

Seeds are of great importance for human nutrition. Therefore, beyond the action of nature, man is responsible for carrying out a productive process that includes sowing, harvesting, drying and storage, among other stages.

The idea of ​​seed as a beginning and its use in cinema

It should be noted that what is called a seed is what is the starting point of something . For example: "Your lack of responsibility was the seed of this failure" , "By sowing the seed of love, we will have a more just and peaceful society" , "The hiring of Pep Guardiola was the seed of this process" .

In addition to all of the above, we cannot ignore the existence of a film, already considered a classic of cinema of all time, that uses the term we are addressing as a fundamental part of its title. We are referring to the film The Devil's Seed . In 1968, Roman Polanski directed this horror production that revolves around a strange pregnancy resulting from a relationship with a singular creature.