Definition of



A profile is a short biographical text.

The dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ) defines the profile as a biographical sketch . It is often said that a profile is a short biography , which does not contain much historical data but rather presents information about the character and personality of the individual in question.

In this way, if a biography can be developed as a 300-page book, to cite one possibility, a profile can summarize some of the data present in it in just two or three pages. That is why the profile serves as a first approach to a person's life.

An example

The profile can be defined, therefore, as the physical and/or psychological description of an individual, accompanied by some biographical data .

For example : “Raúl Madaggri is 95 years old, but he looks young. Their blue eyes saw many things: the death of their mother in 1932, the bankruptcy of the family business in 1955, the fall of the democratic government in 1976, the birth of their first great-grandchild two months ago... however, they do not look tired. Raúl is a tall man, who walks upright and confidently. He still works on the farm where he was born, in the town of San Esteban, and milks the cows with his own hands. His neighbors love him because he always has a little milk, half a dozen eggs or a cheese available to those who don't have money."

As can be seen in this example, this fragment of profile includes biographical information (dates, places, etc.), but also descriptions closer to literature .


Curricular profiles are important in the world of work.

The curricular profile

One of the most common types of profile is the resume , which brings together a series of data related to a person's professional experience, very similar to a cover letter, although with a more defined structure and a more autobiographical character. The curricular profile is necessary to apply for certain jobs , especially in cases where very specific training is required or where the level of responsibility is very high.

The first step to writing an effective and complete curriculum outline is to gather all the data beforehand . Before starting to write it, we must know what we are going to say, and the best way not to overlook any important point is to make a written list , so that we can control it and make the appropriate corrections.

Tips for its preparation

Let's look at some tips:

* take note of all the jobs we have had in the past, highlighting the most relevant ones for which we wish to apply;

* list, on the other hand, our professional achievements, such as awards, published projects or promotions within a company;

* mention those aspects of our life that make us proud;

* indicate some personal details , such as place of residence and marital status, for example;

* Consult our previous resumes, even the oldest ones, in case they can provide us with something useful, such as advice that someone had given us in the past.

Having gathered all the information that comes to mind about our experience and knowledge, it is time to discard what is not relevant . This step is the most difficult for most, since from our own perspective everything may seem important; However, the secret to success in the first approach to a potential employer lies in the power of synthesis .

It goes without saying that a profile should not include false information, especially if we are talking about ourselves or someone we know well; If we come to the need to lie, it is because we do not appreciate ourselves enough, which is why we should resolve this lack of self-esteem before continuing with the writing .