Definition of

Traffic light


The traffic light is a device that allows traffic to be regulated using light signals.

The traffic light is a device that, through different lights that act as signals , allows the regulation of traffic on public roads . The notion comes from the Greek language .

For example: "The motorist did not respect the traffic light and when crossing the avenue he collided with a truck" , "Don't forget, Pedrito, that you always have to look at the traffic light before crossing the street" , "The municipality announced that it will install thirty new traffic lights" in several arteries of the city .

History of the traffic light

The first traffic light in history was installed in the English city of London in 1868 . It was a very different device from the current one, since it had arms that moved to indicate when it was possible to move forward and when to stop.

Currently, most traffic lights that regulate vehicle traffic have three light signals : one red , one yellow and one green . The red light forces the vehicle to stop, while the green light indicates that you can continue driving. The yellow light, for its part, serves as a transition between both signals and to warn those passing by that they must prepare for the change of signal.

There are also traffic lights that, although they fulfill similar functions , are aimed at specific situations or actors. There are pedestrian traffic lights , cyclist traffic lights , turn signals , and others.

It is important to note that failure to respect traffic light indications constitutes a violation of traffic rules and, therefore, carries a punishment . This is because anyone who does not respect traffic lights puts their integrity and the integrity of third parties at risk.


The pedestrian traffic light indicates when you can cross the street.

Some curiosities

Some curiosities that exist about the traffic light and that are interesting are the following:

  • The first traffic light in Spain was installed in its capital, Madrid , in 1926 . Specifically, it was put into operation between the well-known Barquillo and Alcalá streets.
  • It is considered that, currently, the city in the world with the highest number of traffic lights per inhabitant is Buenos Aires , Argentina.
  • Although, as a general rule, it is circles of different colors that take center stage in this device that helps manage traffic, there are some really curious exceptions. Thus, for example, in Akuyeri ( Iceland ) instead of circles, the lights take the shape of hearts.
  • In 2008 , in the Andalusian city of Jaén it was decided to install the first feminist traffic light. And in it the doll's usual pants were replaced with a skirt.

TV program "The traffic light"

In the same way, we cannot forget the existence of a unique television program that triumphed in Spain in the 90s that had the term in question in its title. We are referring to "El semáforo" , which was broadcast on TVE-1 during the period between 1995 and 1997 .

It was directed by Narciso Ibáñez Serrador and presented by Jordi Estadella . Its operation was very simple: anonymous citizens came to the set to show their qualities and artistic abilities to the audience, an audience that rated the performances with applause or a pan, depending on whether they liked them or not.