Definition of

road safety

Security measures

Road safety involves the use of resources to minimize the consequences of accidents and contingencies.

Road safety is a concept associated with the prevention of traffic accidents with the aim of protecting people's lives. The idea of ​​security (from the Latin securĭtas ) refers to that which is free from danger , damage or risk . For its part, the second word that gives shape to the term, vial , also has its etymological origin in Latin. More precisely, it comes from the word vialis , which can be translated as "related to the road."

Road safety can be divided into primary (or active ), secondary (or passive ) and tertiary . Primary safety is assistance to the driver to avoid potential accidents (for example, brake lights and turn signals ). Secondary safety seeks to minimize the consequences of an accident at the time it occurs (the airbag , the seat belt ). Finally, tertiary safety attempts to minimize consequences after the accident occurs (such as cutting off fuel supplies to prevent fires).

Factors that threaten road safety

Specialists recognize various factors that threaten road safety, such as overconfidence when driving, the comfort provided by current vehicles (which allow high speeds to be reached almost without the driver noticing) and alcohol consumption .

In addition to everything explained in recent years, as a consequence of the development of technology and its important presence in our daily lives, another new factor has been established as a result of a significant number of accidents. traffic. Specifically, we are referring to the fact that the use of mobile phones while driving has led to a high number of tragic consequences on the road.

And the fact is that talking on said cell phone, answering a call and even sending an SMS or WhatsApp while driving confuses those behind the wheel and causes them not to pay attention to the road and this translates into crashes, exits of the road and collisions of all kinds that have caused deaths and serious injuries to people around the world.


The State must promote road safety through road maintenance and signage.

Other considerations

In the case of pedestrians, it is recommended that they always cross the streets at the corners and never leave the sidewalk until it is time to cross, among other tips that contribute to increasing safety.

Road safety, on the other hand, is also determined by traffic signs and the respect that drivers and pedestrians have for them. These signs act as a guide on public roads and mark certain behaviors that must be adopted (such as braking or taking special caution ).

Given the importance that road safety has in our lives, for years educational centers around the world have been committed to giving sessions, conferences or classes on it. In this way, what is intended is that from a young age we are clear about the traffic rules and the actions to be taken, both behind the wheel of a vehicle and pedestrians, in order to avoid accidents .