Definition of

Industrial safety


The purpose of industrial safety is to minimize risks in the industry.

Latin is where we find the etymological origin of the two words that give shape to the term industrial security that concerns us now. Specifically, we find the fact that security emanates from the word securitas, which can be defined as “the quality of being without care.” Meanwhile, industrial comes from the Latin industry which translates as “industriousness” and is made up of the union of the prefix indu -, the verb struo which is synonymous with “build” and the suffix – ia which indicates quality.

Industrial safety is a multidisciplinary area that is responsible for minimizing risks in the industry . It is based on the assumption that all industrial activity has inherent dangers that require correct management.

The main risks in the industry are linked to accidents , which can have a significant environmental impact and harm entire regions, even beyond the company where the accident occurs.

Industrial safety features

Industrial safety, therefore, requires the protection of workers (with the necessary clothing, for example) and their medical monitoring, the implementation of technical controls and training linked to risk control.

Specifically, we can establish that when talking about industrial safety it is necessary to specify that it is developed specifically in order to prevent possible situations and risks that may arise in areas where we work with refrigeration facilities, electricity, fuels. gaseous, refrigeration or pressure equipment.


Industrial safety aims to protect the worker.

Prevention of occupational risks

It should be noted that industrial safety is always relative , since it is impossible to guarantee that any type of accident will never occur. In any case, its main mission is to work to prevent accidents.

For all these reasons, it is important to establish that what is called occupational risk prevention acquires special relevance. It is a service and a series of actions that attempt to provide workers with the necessary knowledge and skills to be able to undertake tasks that can not only prevent them from suffering certain dangers, accidents and illnesses in their workplace but also They are trained to be able to deal with all those in the event that they appear.

Thus, employees, in terms of prevention, are given courses and seminars that revolve around how to protect and care for elements in their work such as environmental factors, facilities or protection tools.

Other workplace safety considerations

A very important aspect of industrial safety is the use of statistics , which allows you to warn in which sectors accidents usually occur in order to take extreme precautions. In any case, as we already said, absolute security can never be assured.

Technological innovation, machinery replacement , worker training and regular controls are some of the activities linked to industrial safety.

It cannot be ignored that, many times, companies decide not to invest in security to save costs, which puts the lives of workers at risk. Likewise, the State has the obligation to control security, something that often does not happen due to negligence or corruption.