Definition of

Secondary sector

Economic activity

The secondary sector is dedicated to the transformation of raw materials.

The term sector has multiple meanings. If we focus on the field of economy , each set of productive or commercial activities is called a sector: automotive sector, financial sector, etc.

The different sectors, on the other hand, can be grouped into three large sectors that encompass all economic activities. In this way it is possible to speak of the primary sector , secondary sector and tertiary sector .

What is the secondary sector

The secondary sector is that dedicated to the transformation of raw materials obtained by the primary sector. That is to say: while the primary sector is limited to directly obtaining resources from nature , the secondary sector uses industrial procedures to transform said resources.

Specifically, we can establish that the secondary sector of the economy is made up or supported by five major pillars such as industry, crafts, energy production, construction and mining.


Companies in the secondary sector develop different types of industrial processes.

Classification of industries

Regarding the industry, this can be of several types depending on the classification that exists:

Heavy industries , whose function is to transform the raw materials obtained into semi-finished products. They are divided into two: the heavy chemical industry, which is the one that produces elements such as sulfuric acid, and the metallurgical industry, which is the one that produces everything from iron to steel through aluminum, for example.

Light industries , which are responsible for producing products for direct consumption. Within this group are food, automotive, textile, computer and light chemical industries.

Capital goods industries , which are those whose mission is to transform the semi-finished products generated by heavy industries into what would be goods and finished products. Specifically, in this category we should highlight the existence of several types: wood and paper; those of agricultural and industrial material; electrical, electronic and computer science; those of construction materials, aerospace and transportation materials. This last group would encompass everything from naval industries that make vessels of all types to those that create railway equipment, including those that carry out the construction of helicopters, airplanes...

Examples of secondary sector activities

Let's take the case of a company dedicated to the production of jams, preserves, jellies and sweets with fruits . Those who limit themselves to planting and harvesting fruits develop their activity within the framework of the primary sector of the economy. The company in our example acquires these fruits, subjects them to different processes, adds various substances (preservatives, coloring, flavoring, etc.) and thus produces its products. All these activities carried out by the company that produces jams and preserves mean that the firm is included in the secondary sector.

The carpenter who makes wooden tables and chairs can also be included in the secondary sector of the economy . This is because the raw material (wood) that it receives from the primary sector is modified by it, which is responsible for cutting, varnishing and painting it to build its furniture.