Definition of



A sector can be an area of ​​a certain place: for example, the northern sector of a stadium.

A part or a certain area of ​​some place is called a sector . For example: “Be careful: the southern sector of the city is a bit dangerous due to insecurity” , “Cleaning supplies are in the right sector of the store” , “Excuse me, is there any section authorized for smokers in this area?” restaurant?" .

The concept has multiple meanings in different contexts. It can refer to the group of people who share certain characteristics, which allow them to differentiate themselves from other individuals: “The liberal sector of the Democratic Party is promoting a project to modify the tax law,” “I feel that we have to offer our help to the most vulnerable sectors.” “There is a reactionary sector of the population that does not accept any type of change.”

Economic sector

In the field of economics , each set of productive or commercial activities is called a sector: “The German government expressed its satisfaction with the growth of the industrial sector” , “My father worked for years in the food sector” , “It is time to "That the authorities recognize the worrying situation of the agricultural sector in the north of the country."

The economy, in its broadest sense, is usually divided into three large sectors:

* The primary sector is made up of companies and workers that obtain resources directly from nature, such as livestock farming , agriculture, forestry, aquaculture, fishing, hunting, beekeeping, mining and logging. . Typically, primary products are used as raw materials for the manufacturing of industrial items;

* The secondary sector , for its part, involves the transformation of natural raw materials into manufactured products, which can be marketed. Through various industrial-type procedures , it converts the resources obtained by the primary sector into consumer products. Clear examples of the secondary sector are industry, mining, crafts and energy production;

* The tertiary sector does not generate products, but rather offers intangible services , which is why it is also known as the service sector . The set of material activities that do not produce goods, in fact, is included in it. Some of the subsectors it includes are transportation, commerce, communications, hospitality, public administration and leisure .

On the other hand, there is a quaternary sector , intended for the production and dissemination services of education, information, research and development, technology and financial planning, among other activities of the intellectual framework.

Cattle raising

In the economic field, a set of commercial or productive activities with common characteristics is called a sector.

Classification according to the ownership of the means of production

In the field of the means of production, the following sectors are distinguished, which address their property:

* public sector : this is the sum of administrative bodies through which the State can fulfill and enforce the will or policy expressed in the laws of the country. This includes the three powers into which the functions of the State are divided (judicial, executive and legislative), as well as any institution, company, autonomous public body or person that carries out economic activities on its behalf and that are represented. for him. In other words, the public sector can be understood as any activity that the State controls or owns ;

* private sector : the easiest way to understand the meaning of the private sector is to take it as the counterpart of the public, that is, the set of economic activities that pursue income and that do not belong to the State or are controlled by it;

* third sector : it is important to highlight that it should not be confused with the tertiary sector , mentioned above. It is also known as the social economy , and encompasses economic activities that do not belong to either of the previous two sectors, such as associated work companies, cooperatives, charitable associations, mutual societies and non- profit organizations. .