Definition of



In sport, sanctions are applied to those who violate the regulations.

The Latin word sanctĭo came to our language as a sanction . The concept refers to a punishment that is applied to the person who violates a norm or rule .

For example: "FIFA analyzes the sanction that it will impose on the striker for his act of indiscipline" , "Million-dollar penalty for a company that contaminated a lake in Patagonia" , "The school director decided that there will be no sanction for the students who carried out the protest .

The sanction as punishment

A sanction may be due to the violation of an entity's internal regulations . In this way, an athlete who has inappropriate behavior can be sanctioned by the association or federation that regulates the practice of the sport in question. In a similar sense, a student may receive a sanction from the authorities of the educational center he attends when he does not respect the rules of coexistence.

Depending on the type of offense committed by a student, the authorities at their educational center may choose one of several sanctions, including a written or oral reprimand, deprivation of recess, a meeting with the directors, the imposition of certain tasks to repair your damages or to make you understand the seriousness of the same, the prohibition of access to certain extracurricular activities such as excursions or festivals, the change of course or the suspension of your right to attend the center for a defined period of time or without the possibility of rejoining.

At the level of law , a sanction is the effect produced by an action that violates a law or other legal norm . A theft, in this way, can generate a penalty of three years in prison for the person responsible, to name one possibility. Sanctions can also be economic punishments ( fines ).


A sanction may consist of the imposition of a fine.

Application of the concept in the Internet field

The Internet is a space in which a large number of infractions and offenses take place, focused on companies that provide products and services as well as individual users. Since it attempts to give us a certain degree of freedom to create sites, share content, pursue business ventures, among many other possibilities, it stands to reason that there are various opportunities for crime and bad jokes. In this context, it is also necessary to impose a sanction, to prevent bad behavior from spreading.

A typical sanction on the Internet consists of preventing the perpetrator of the offense from continuing to access the platform on which he committed it, either for a time or indefinitely; This is very common in the field of video games that bring together several players in virtual scenarios to compete with each other, since there is always someone who prefers to annoy others or take advantage of a weakness in the system's security rather than playing and allowing others to play. everyone enjoy your time.

However, given the aforementioned freedom that characterizes the Internet, it is practically impossible to ensure that a person does not continue accessing a given service, since they can always resort to one of the various techniques available to mask their identity and pretend that they are in a different geographical location. For the most serious cases there is prison . Paradoxically, many of the most cunning criminals end up working in the security department of a large company, such as Google or Microsoft.

The sanction as approval

On the other hand, the approval or confirmation of a norm is known as a sanction.

"Parliament delayed, once again, the sanction of the project presented by the president", "The pro-government deputies allowed the sanction of the new tax law" y "As the debate in the Lower House failed due to lack of quorum, the sanction of the regulations will have to wait" son frases que muestran este uso.