Definition of



Saltpeter is a combination of potassium nitrate and sodium nitrate.

Salitre is a term that is used synonymously with nitro . This is potassium nitrate , combined with sodium nitrate , which can be found in salty and humid places.

Before moving forward we are going to determine the etymological origin of the term. In this case, we can say that it derives from the Latin expression sal nitrum , which was used to refer to nitron. An expression that, in turn, is the result of the sum of two clearly delimited components:

  • The Latin noun sal , which is logically synonymous with “salt” .
  • The Greek term nitron , which came from, was used to refer to both natron and soda.

Saltpeter exploitation

Saltpeter is found in its natural state mainly in regions of Chile and Bolivia , generally linked to deposits of sodium chloride or gypsum . This substance can accumulate until reaching a thickness greater than three meters in height.

The exploitation of natural saltpeter began to lose relevance with the production of synthetic saltpeter , in the first decades of the 20th century . However, the wealth linked to saltpeter managed to mark South American history .

In 1879 the War of the Pacific broke out, pitting Chile against Peru and Bolivia . Historians affirm that, among the causes of the war conflict, is the dispute over the exploitation of saltpeter. In 1907, on the other hand, there was a national strike in Chile due to poor working conditions in the saltpeter deposits, which led to the murder of more than two thousand workers by the armed forces.


Salitre Mágico is an amusement park located in Bogotá (Colombia).

Its uses

It should be noted that saltpeter is used for the production of pyrotechnics , explosives , enamels , pigments , fertilizers and different salts and acids . This reveals its importance for the economy and industry.

Finally, saltpeter is known as the substance that usually appears on the walls and floors of buildings located in areas near the coast . Saltpeter can cause damage to paint and surface coatings.

Other uses of the term saltpeter

Likewise, on the Internet there is a publication titled “Salitre Magazine” and which revolves around the world of bodyboarding.

In the same way, it should not be overlooked that “Salitre” is also the title of a famous song by the Spanish composer Quique González . It is one of their most important singles and tells the love story between two people who met one summer, in a town surrounded by the sea. That relationship ended, but he cannot help but continue remembering it and letting himself be carried away by all the sensations, smells and colors that it evoked in him.

In Colombia , specifically in Bogotá , there is a shopping center called Salitre Plaza and also in that city there is a spectacular amusement park, which opened in 2000 , named Salitre Mágico . It is one of the best-known enclaves in the city where children and adults can enjoy shows, games of skill, extreme attractions and fun for the family.