Definition of



A route can be a road.

Route is a path , highway or road that allows you to travel from one place to another. In the same sense, a route is the direction taken for a purpose. The term comes from the French route , which in turn derives from the Latin rupta .

In countries like Argentina and Uruguay , a route is called what, in Spain , is known as a highway . These are roads for public use , generally paved, that are suitable for the circulation of vehicles.

Route 66

In this case, we find the fact that there are well-known and very important routes throughout the world, such as the famous Route 66 . It runs through the United States and is characterized by the fact that it runs through the places where emigrants passed on their journeys to the west.

Currently this route, which was included in the United States Federal Highway Network , has been discontinued as such and has become a historic highway. Specifically, it circulates through cities and towns such as Chicago , Misouiri , Kansas , Oklahoma , Texas , New Mexico , Arizona , California and Los Angeles .

In total, more than 3,000 kilometers were and are what make up the famous Route 66 , also known as "The Main Street of America" , which even gave its name to a television series from the 60s.

Router poster

United States Route 66 is famous worldwide.

An itinerary

On the other hand, a route is the planned itinerary for a trip. For example: "According to the route we planned, first we will pass through San Bernardo and, the next day, we will continue towards Mar del Plata."

In the same way, within the aforementioned tourism field, we have to highlight the fact that currently the so-called rural tourism has experienced significant growth, which is that which has as its setting towns or places that allow the traveler to be in direct contact with the nature.

Climbing, mountaineering, horseback riding or cycling are some of those activities that can be carried out within rural tourism and also hiking that takes place along endless routes. In this way, thanks to these itineraries, visitors have the opportunity to explore on foot enclaves of great natural value and great environmental beauty.

Route in computing and communications

In computing , a path is the way a file or directory is referenced within a file system. In other words, the path points to the exact location of the file or directory through a string of characters.

In communications, the link route is the set of points that allow two end points to be joined.

Plants of the Rutaceae family

Finally, we can say that the ruta (or rue ) is a genus of subshrubs that have a strong aroma and belong to the Rutaceae family. These are plants that are native to southwest Asia , Macronesia and the Mediterranean .

Rue used to be widely used in various gastronomic recipes, although, currently, it has lost its preferred place in popular taste.