Definition of


Ear protection

Noise is an annoying or unpleasant sound.

Noise is an inarticulate sound that is unpleasant . The term comes from the Latin rugĭtus .

For example: "The noise from the avenue is driving me crazy," "My head hurts because of the noise produced by the factory machines," "María José didn't sleep all night because of the noise her neighbors made." .

Noise in physics

For physics , noise is an electrical disturbance that interferes with the transmission or processing of signals. The thermal agitation of the molecules of the material that forms the conductors or the disordered movement of electrons and other current carriers are some of the causes of noise.

Communication theory and semiology affirm that noise is an interference that affects the communicative process. In this sense, noise can be the speaker's hoarseness, unclear handwriting or the distortion of a video image, among other factors that make the message difficult to understand.


Excess noise in a place causes noise pollution.

Noise pollution

In this way, we would have to talk about what is known as noise pollution . A concept that comes to define the excess of sounds and noise that exists in a city or town and that means that people who suffer from it see their quality of life significantly altered.

Noise can affect the lives of those who suffer from it to such an extent that these people can suffer from certain diseases. Specifically, these pathologies can be of three types: psychological , physiological and sociological .

Stress, anxiety, insomnia, depression or hearing loss are some of the most common illnesses that can be suffered by those who have to deal daily with noise pollution problems in the environment where they have their homes.

There are certain people who are more susceptible than others to suffering from this level of noise. Specifically, we would have to highlight children who not only may suffer delays in learning to read but may also experience serious problems when it comes to the development of their verbal communication.

In the same way, we must not forget that pregnant women are also very sensitive to noises that can harm their fetus.

Other noise considerations

Among the most frequent expressions that use the term noise is “much ado about nothing.” What we try to express with it is that there is a topic or issue that, at first, seems very important but then it really turns out that it is not.

In everyday language, we speak of noise to name the public repercussion of an event or the appearance of greatness in things that, in reality, are not of great importance : "The words of the chancellor have produced a lot of noise in the neighboring country," " The coach's conference was pure noise since he did not clarify the reasons for his resignation" , "The release of the album has generated noise in the rock environment" , "I am tired of the high-sounding statements that make so much noise: I want them to get on with it". work and keep a low profile .