Definition of


medicinal plant

Rue is considered a medicinal plant.

Rue is the name given to a genus of plants that is part of the Rutaceae family. Rue is a perennial plant that has thick leaves, small flowers and fruits full of black seeds.

Characterized by its aroma , rue can reach a height of up to six meters depending on the species. In ancient times this plant was used as a condiment , although its bitter taste caused it to gradually lose popularity.

Rue as a medicinal herb

Rue is also used as a medicinal herb . However, due to its toxicity , it can be dangerous. Rue is said to have contraceptive and abortive effects and can cause damage to the liver and kidneys . Below are some of the properties of this plant, which can be very beneficial if used responsibly:

  • Anti-inflammatory : rue is used to treat arthritis, as it helps reduce joint pain and promotes muscle relaxation.
  • Antispasmodic : in the fight against muscle pain and menstruation cramps it can be a very effective remedy.
  • Antibacterial : thanks to this property, treating a gastrointestinal infection such as salmonellosis (a disease that occurs after consuming foods and drinks in which salmonella bacteria reside) is possible by drinking rue in the form of an infusion.
  • Antifungal : rue is very effective in cases of fungal infections (any disease caused by a fungus). A clear example is those that affect the skin, such as the so-called "athlete's foot" .
  • Menstrual stimulant : in this case an important warning must be made, since, as mentioned in a previous paragraph, rue can have abortive effects. However, if used by women who are not looking to get pregnant, it can be beneficial for regularizing menstruation.
  • Calming : thanks to its effect on the nervous system, rue is ideal for achieving general relaxation. Its use is recommended for this purpose in cases of extreme anxiety , which can have a very negative impact on our quality of life if we do not combat them in time.
  • Remedy against toxins : one of the most popular uses of rue is to combat certain types of toxins . It is very effective against neurotoxins (a type of exogenous chemical substances capable of damaging our nervous tissue, both mature and developing). On the other hand, it is also a tradition to use rue to block the venom of some snakes after a bite - in this case it is essential to know in depth the type of toxin that has entered the body and the necessary proportions of rue.
  • Insecticide : this plant offers a double action against insects , since it can scare them away and eliminate them, depending on the method used. The most common examples are wands and vaporizers that have it as the main ingredient.
Andean town

In some Andean regions, Pachamama Day is celebrated by drinking cane with rue.

Pachamama Day Celebration

In some South American regions, there is an ancient tradition of drinking cane with rue on August 1 , when Pachamama Day is celebrated.

The aborigines believed that this preparation that combined the alcoholic beverage with the plant helped to ward off evils and protect health .

Other uses of the term rue

The adjective rude, on the other hand, refers to someone who is unkind, sullen , surly or somewhat violent . For example: "She is a rude woman, who usually solves her problems with blows" , "He answered me rudely, as if he were angry with me" , "Don't be so rude to Jorgito, he's just a child" .

Ruda , finally, is the name of a town in Poland ( Ruda Talubska ) and a town in Italy located in the province of Udine ( Ruda ).