Definition of



RSS is a data format that allows content to be distributed without the need to use a browser.

RSS is a data format that is used to send content to those who are registered on a certain Internet site. This structure allows the distribution of content to be carried out without the need to use a browser, since the action is carried out through software created especially to read this type of data, which is known as an aggregator . In any case, the most recent versions of the main browsers provide the possibility of reading RSS content without having to resort to additional software.

The old school recommended that to always keep in mind the activity of a site that interested us, the idea was to add the site to favorites in order to have access to the web with just one click, however, nowadays, surely The answer is RSS, a technology that allows relevant information to be sent instantly so that users can read it when they think it is relevant.

It should be noted that the acronym RSS is used to refer to different standards: Rich Site Summary (RSS 0.91), RDF Site Summary (RSS 0.9 and 1.0) and Really Simple Syndication (RSS 2.0).

How the RSS format works

RSS is included in the set of XML formats and has been designed for those web spaces that are updated periodically and that allow data to be shared and used in other programs or web pages. This activity is known under the name of web syndication or web syndication , an erroneous translation but in very common use.

The RSS format has become widespread with the rise of weblogs or blogs , where information from various sources is usually shared in an integrated way. In this way, the value of the page that publishes the content is increased and gives greater relevance to the original source, since web syndication usually links to the original content.

Thanks to the great ease of use that this format presents and its versatility, it has quickly become one of the most used data formats on the Internet to distribute content. The simplest way to keep up to date with the changes made to those pages that interest us without having to visit them every day.


An aggregator is responsible for reading the RSS data.

Its main advantages

The main advantages of RSS are: instant and permanent updating , access to news or information from a specific website without having to go to it from the browser , monitoring of those sites that we visit regularly, saving time and money in an educational and personalized.

In any case, RSS is not only useful for the user to stay informed, but it is also useful for portal administrators , who can display their content and advertise their space. The more users subscribe to the portal's feeds, the greater the visibility of the website and of course the chances of success will increase.

Terms linked to RSS

Some terms linked to RSS are aggregator (software that allows instant access to the information on the desired website), feed (each RSS file with information) and reader (reader that allows you to easily read the content carried by RSS), among others.

It should be noted to conclude that thanks to aggregators and feed readers , a user can receive on the desktop of his operating system , in his email program or through other web applications , summaries of all the sites that he has selected because he considers them interesting. Thanks to this tool, then, it is not necessary to visit dozens of sites to find out what's new.