Definition of


Planet Earth

The rotation of the Earth is the movement that the planet makes when rotating on itself along the axis that crosses the poles.

Rotation is the action and effect of rotating (turning around an axis ). The term, which comes from the Latin rotatĭo , refers to a movement of change of orientation that occurs in such a way that, given any point thereof, it remains at a constant distance from the axis of rotation.

Planet Earth , because it is an ellipsoid flattened by the poles, performs four main movements: rotation , translation , precession and nutation . As for rotation, it is the movement that the Earth makes when rotating on itself along the Earth's axis that passes through the poles . It should be noted that the earth's axis is imaginary (ideal).

The rotation of the Earth

The complete revolution of the Earth, if taken as a reference to the sun , takes 24 hours. The solar day, therefore, has 24 hours. On the other hand, if the stars are considered as a parameter, the complete revolution lasts 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4 seconds. The difference arises from the advance of the Earth in its orbit.

It is important to note that the rotation of the Earth with its proximity to the sun determines day and night. The region of the planet facing the sun will enjoy the day, while the rest of the world will be at night (it will not receive sunlight until the rotation is complete).

The ecliptic is the curved line along which the sun appears to rotate in its apparent movement from the Earth. The obliquity of the ecliptic is the angle of 23.5º that the Earth's axis makes with respect to the normal of the ecliptic. This inclination means that, at the poles, there are extensive months of light and darkness depending on the incidence of the sun's rays.

Movement of a star

We must not overlook the fact that there is also what is known as stellar rotation . This is an angular movement that a star can make around what would be its axis.

The speed reached in this action can be measured through two variables: through the displacement of features on its surface or with what would be the spectrum of the aforementioned star.


Crop rotation involves alternating crops on the same land.

Crop rotation

In the field of agriculture it is common to talk about what is known as crop rotation . This term refers to the alternation of sowing that is carried out on a piece of land with the clear objective that that soil not only not be depleted but is also cared for much better. And, among other things, with this action what is achieved is to have weeds under control.

All this without forgetting that it also manages to significantly reduce both diseases and pests . To achieve this objective, it is basic and fundamental that the crops that are rotated do not belong to what would be the same botanical family.

A type of capital

Likewise, it must be emphasized that within the financial field there is also talk of what is called rotating capital.

This is the one whose mission is to produce, and to achieve its objective what it does is successively change its form.