Definition of


Pink color

The color pink arises with the combination of red and white.

Pink is the color that results from the combination of red and white . It is a soft red that is also known as rosé .

For example: “I gave my wife a pink shirt,” “The Argentine team players were surprised by going out on the field with a pink shirt,” “My daughter loves to wear a pink bow in her hair.”

Symbolisms of pink

On a symbolic level, pink is usually associated with the feminine . This connection arose in the 19th century , when the custom began to develop of dressing newborn girls in pink and boys in light blue. In this way, pink products are currently considered to be aimed at women .

Pink also has other symbolic uses. In Spain , journalistic publications that revolve around the lives of stars are known as “pink press .


The rose is a highly appreciated flower.

The flowers

Rosa, on the other hand, is the name of a genus of shrubs that is part of the Rosaceae family. The term is also known as the flowers that these bushes produce, highly appreciated for their aroma and beauty . It is important to keep in mind that, beyond the name, there are white roses , black roses , red roses and other colors.

The flowers we know as roses are related to love and romance . That is why it is common for a man to honor his partner with a bouquet of roses on an anniversary , birthday, etc.

"The Thirteen Roses"

Historically we must mention the group called “The Thirteen Roses” . This was the collective name given to a group of thirteen young Spanish women who were shot by Francisco Franco 's regime on August 5, 1939 , shortly after the Civil War ended.

They were between 18 and 29 years old and some died simply for defending their political ideas, contrary to the dictatorial regime that had been established, and others for being considered leftist when at no time had they joined a party or participated in political acts of any kind. Among them were dressmakers, housewives, secretaries and artists.

a woman's name

Rosa , finally, is a woman's name shared by the philosopher Rosa Luxemburg (or Róża Luksemburg , in its original language), the writer Rosa Regàs and the actress Rosa Rosen , among many other people.

“Woman as beautiful as a rose bush” is the meaning attributed to this pink name, which is considered to belong to kind, innocent, very loving women, especially emotional and dedicated when it comes to achieving the goals they set for themselves. All of this without overlooking the fact that they are also credited with being staunch defenders of the family, very demanding in the sentimental field and especially responsible.

In addition to the aforementioned figures, other women have also contributed to popularizing this name such as the journalist and writer Rosa Montero , the designer Rosa Clará and the singer Rosa López , better known as “Rosa de España”, who was proclaimed winner of the first edition of “Operación Triunfo” in that country and has become one of the best-selling female artists in the country.