Definition of



The knee is the joint formed by the union of the femur and tibia.

Rodilla is a term that comes from rotella , a Latin term that is a diminutive of rota ( "wheel" ). The concept is used to name the area of ​​the body where the thigh joins the leg.

The knee is a joint formed from the union of the femur and tibia . Another bone called the patella also appears in the region, which contributes to carrying out extension and flexion movements .

Around the knee there are ligaments and muscles that are essential for the mobility of the leg . Another very important component of the knee is the menisci , two fibrocartilages that prevent excessive movements that could cause damage.

Knee injuries

Athletes often suffer injuries to the knee, since it is a joint that carries the weight of the body when we are in an upright position. When running, jumping or bumping your leg against something, the knee suffers a significant impact that can lead to different injuries.

Ligament or meniscus tears, dislocations , joint effusions , bursitis and arthritis are some of the most common disorders and injuries in the knee.


Knee injuries are common, especially in athletes.

Doctors' recommendations

Given the importance that the knees have in the human body due to the functions they perform, it is essential that anyone, whether they are an athlete or not, take special care of these leg joints. Hence, doctors advise carrying out a series of measures to ensure that they are in a healthy state:

  • When doing sports, especially running , it is necessary to perform proprioception and warm-up exercises beforehand.
  • It is always essential to wear appropriate footwear , in order to prevent the knees from being affected by lack of cushioning, stability or balance .
  • In the same way, it is necessary not to force these joints by adopting positions or performing exercises that are painful and dangerous.
  • You have to keep your weight under control, as this is the way to prevent your knees from suffering. It should not be forgotten that it is the knees that are going to support the individual's kilos.
  • A sedentary life needs to be avoided. It is recommended that anyone go out for a walk at least half an hour a day so that the joints are in perfect shape.
  • For people who practice sports and suffer a knee injury, it is important that they go to their doctor immediately. Only in this way will they be able to ensure that they are treated correctly and in accordance with the damages suffered.

Knee chain

In Spain , Rodilla is the name of a fast food chain that opened its first location in 1939 . This chain owes its name to Antonio Rodilla , its founder. The company specializes in sandwiches, although it also offers salads, croquettes, ice cream and other products.

Currently it is possible to find Rodilla stores in numerous Spanish cities , such as Madrid , Alicante and Málaga , among others.