Definition of

Natural riches


Nature's resources constitute the natural wealth of a territory.

In order to understand the meaning of the term at hand, it is necessary to know the etymological origin of the two words that make it up:

Wealth is the result of the sum of the Gothic “riks”, which means “powerful”, and the suffix “-eza”, which is used to indicate “quality”.

Natura l, for its part, comes from the Latin “naturalis” and can be translated as “relative to nature.”

Wealth is the accumulation of money, goods or things that have a certain value . Natural , for its part, is an adjective that comes from the Latin naturālis and is used to name that which is linked to nature .

What are natural resources?

Natural wealth , therefore, are the natural resources found in a region. For a continent, a country, a province or a city, natural resources are essential for economic and social development.

The vegetation , the fauna , the water basins , the relief and even the climate are part of the natural riches of a territory. According to the way these riches are exploited, it is possible to generate important resources for the economy .


Natural riches tend to be constituted as tourist attractions.

Its importance for development

Natural wealth can contribute to the development of tourism . A coastal region with attractive beaches and pleasant climate has a wealth that, if exploited properly, can generate great income through tourism activity. For this, the area must have hotels, restaurants and road infrastructure, for example, so that tourism development is possible.

Agriculture also depends on natural wealth. Fertile land with appropriate climatic conditions can favor the development of different crops that would not be feasible in other places.

For the exploitation of natural resources to be sustainable , protective measures must be taken. If pollution increases in the region that had attractive beaches, tourists will no longer want to visit the area and the natural wealth will have been lost.

An example: the natural riches of Mexico

One of the countries in the world with the most natural wealth and that depends largely on them to carry out its development is Mexico . Specifically, in this country they have a notable weight, becoming almost the greatest wealth it has, as demonstrated by the figures in this regard: almost two million square kilometers.

This figure includes numerous spaces such as forests, mountain ranges, wetlands, jungle areas, lagoons, absolutely desert spaces, seas, beaches, swamps, rivers and even lagoons. But they are not only important in terms of quantity but also in "quality", which makes the country a benchmark and a destination chosen by many tourists to fully enjoy nature.

Specifically, it must be highlighted that among its natural riches there are from 64 national parks to 34 biosphere reserves, including 4 natural monuments and a total of 26 areas that are protection of fauna and flora. In this last aspect, it must be emphasized that Mexico is considered the fourth country in the world with the greatest megadiversity.