Definition of



Wealth is usually associated with the accumulation of money and goods.

Wealth is linked to abundance . The most common use of the term refers to possessing a large amount of things of material value, such as goods or money . On the other hand, this same concept can be used to express fortune on a symbolic level, as occurs when talking about spiritual wealth .

Material wealth , therefore, is the possession or control of numerous goods and assets. Said wealth is created when a productive or commercial process generates more money than was initially used as an investment to launch the project. If a subject invests one hundred dollars a month and earns two hundred dollars in the same period, it can be said that he obtains a profit of one hundred dollars per month, which is considered part of his wealth.

Wealth and poverty

It should be noted that wealth is relative. A subject with a capital of $20,000 can be considered rich in certain regions or from the perspective of some social sectors, while he can be part of the middle class in different places and circumstances.

Wealth is opposed to poverty . Those who are rich have money and material means to satisfy their needs and to consume goods that are not essential. The poor, on the other hand, have difficulties accessing decent housing, health services and food.

Economic wealth usually brings other types of benefits, such as social prestige or the accumulation of power . In these cases, these are rather symbolic gains, which transcend the material itself.


There is a wealth that is not material, but is linked to the spiritual.

The concept associated with the spiritual

Other types of wealth are spiritual wealth ( “John is poor, but happy: he has an enviable inner wealth” ) or the relative wealth of anything ( “He is an excellent writer since he has a great wealth of expression ), which They are even more difficult to determine and measure than the material, since they depend on the perception and culture of each individual in particular.

Spiritual wealth, also called internal wealth, is usually associated with happiness when it is achieved without the need for material goods. Economic abundance does not deprive a person of their fulfillment on a sentimental level, but it cannot provide it either; On the other hand, feeling good about yourself can open many doors in the workplace .

Inner wealth

For each person, spiritual wealth can have a very different meaning, or at least show certain nuances that make each case unique. For example, it is very common for our society to exalt the role of the mother as an indispensable figure for our development, and many can say that they feel rich if they see their mother smile. However, not everyone has that figure in their life, either because they have never met him, because he died or because he represents their worst nightmare (as happens in certain stories of child abuse).

This means that no one can determine whether a person enjoys inner wealth or not unless they have a very deep knowledge of their history and their sentimental plane to know what their needs , their fears, their ambitions are on an emotional level. Many times, it is worth clarifying, oneself is not able to clearly discern what one expects from life, what is missing in one's environment to achieve happiness.

Another characteristic that distinguishes this abstract meaning of wealth from material wealth is that, since it is not tangible, it is impossible to destroy or remove. Economic abundance can end after a bad investment or theft, among many other unfortunate situations; But a memory that awakens a warm feeling in us, that brings us happiness repeatedly and unfailingly every time we evoke it, is ours forever, no one can take it away from us.