Definition of



A fight is a confrontation that includes physical violence.

A quarrel is a fight or confrontation . The concept usually refers to a dispute that includes physical violence to resolve the conflict.

For example: “A fight between rival gangs ended with four people injured,” “At the end of the game, several players got into a fight,” “The fight lasted for almost half an hour.”

Before entering fully into establishing the meaning of the term, it is important to know its etymological origin. This is found in the vulgar Latin verb ringere , which in turn derives from ringi (referring to the growling that dogs make).

Characteristics of a fight

Although the term has several synonyms, its use is usually limited to certain contexts. Typically, the idea of ​​a fight is used to name a hand-to-hand fight between several people. The participants in the fight beat each other and, sometimes, use knives or blunt objects such as stones and bottles. Generally, when the notion of affray is used, it does not refer to confrontations with firearms.

Quarrels involve both parties using violence . That is to say: the participants attack and defend themselves. If one of the parties is in a passive position, not reacting or trying to escape from the fight , it is not usually referred to as a fight.


Quarrels between siblings are common.

Classification according to type

In some cases, fights are spontaneous and arise suddenly. That is the case of footballers who, in the middle of a match, beat each other after an infraction. On other occasions, however, the fight is premeditated : two gangs from different neighborhoods meet in a square to fight.

It is important to highlight that fights can be very serious and end with people injured or even dead, since physical violence always causes damage.

family quarrels

Within families it is normal for fights to suddenly appear between young children .

In this circumstance, what parents should do is separate the minors, try to get them to calm down and sit down to talk about what happened to find out what happened. It is necessary that they listen to the different versions of what happened and that, at no time, take sides for one child or another.

A novel by Eduardo Mendoza

We cannot ignore that within the field of literature there is a very interesting book that uses the word in question in its title. We are referring to the novel “Cat Fight” , published in 2010 by the Spanish writer Eduardo Mendoza . The film, which won the prestigious Planeta Prize that year, revolves around an English art expert who arrives in Madrid in 1936 ready to catalog some works.

A very important task if we take into account that the aforementioned appraisal will result in a price that will determine the present and future of the country, which at that time is in the final stages before the outbreak of the Civil War .