Definition of



Rigor can be associated with hardness or severity.

Rigor is a concept that comes from Latin and can be used in different senses. Specifically, it derives from the Latin word "rigor", which can be translated as "inflexibility", "rigidity" or "rigor".

It can be about the severity , hardness or rigidity that is applied to a certain behavior . For example: "I think the students should be treated with rigor" , "The player asked to be transferred because he is tired of his coach's rigor" , "After this meeting, the manager will make us feel the rigor so that we improve the productivity» .

Rigor as thoroughness and precision

It is common for the idea of ​​rigor to be applied regarding rigor and inclemency in treatment. We can take the case of a teacher who gives instructions to his students in a clear and concise manner and who demands compliance with them, without accepting excuses of any kind. Said teacher demonstrates rigor in his relationship with students. The case of the teacher who promotes exchanges of ideas with students and who usually changes his position according to what they express is different.

The notion of rigor is also associated with precision and accuracy . A study on the pollution of a river can be highlighted for its "scientific rigor" when it exhibits a large amount of evidence that can be contrasted by science . On the other hand, a text can be criticized in certain contexts for lacking "academic rigor."

Energy , strength , virulence and intensity are other ideas that can be associated with rigor: "Winter is making itself felt severely in this part of the country."


When the muscles of a corpse become rigid due to chemical alterations, rigor mortis appears.

The term associated with corpses

Medicine , for its part, speaks of rigor with reference to the rigidity that the body's tissues acquire at certain times. In this sense, rigor mortis is the condition of the corpse when its muscles become rigid due to different chemical changes.

From the aforementioned rigor mortis, which becomes a fundamental piece in the work of forensics, we can highlight other data of interest such as these:

-As a general rule, it usually appears three or four hours after the person has died. However, complete rigidity occurs after twelve hours and it is at twenty-four hours when it acquires its maximum intensity.

-It is developed through three different stages: establishment phase, state phase and resolution phase.

-It allows us to know not only when the individual in question died but also what his last vital position was and even what the diagnosis of his death is.

-In violent deaths, rigor mortis is much more intense and lasting.

Rigor of play

We cannot forget either what has been called the rigor of the game . It is a concept created by the English essayist Charles Lamb about a well-known card game called Whist , which is developed with the French deck and which requires the existence of two couples who are in charge of acting as rivals.

Specifically, this man established that the rigor in the development of this entertainment activity could mean the need to have to think in a concrete and precise way, which could be authentic fun or an absolute distraction.