Definition of



A retrograde subject rejects changes and is not able to update their values ​​and behaviors.

Retrograde is an adjective that comes from the Latin word retrogrădus . It is a term linked to the verb retrograde (to go back in time, to go backwards).

Specifically, we can determine that it is a word composed of the following identifying characteristics:

-The term “retro”, which means “backwards” and which is the result of the sum of two elements: the prefix “re-”, which is synonymous with “to return”, and the particle “tro”, which comes to accompany to different Latin prefixes.

-The word “gradus”, which can be translated as “step” or “step”.

The retrograde, someone who opposes updating their values ​​and progress

The notion is used in a derogatory way to name the person who supports typical practices or policies of the past . Those who are retrograde, therefore, oppose progress and the updating of certain values ​​and behaviors.

For example: “I don't think the population supports a candidate with retrograde thinking,” “The mayor accused the opposition of wanting to develop a retrograde and conservative law,” “This kind of retrograde belief threatens to spoil the progress made in the last few years.”

Rejection of changes

Retrograde is usually used with reference to reactionary since it opposes change and, in a certain way, implies a desire to return to the conditions of the past .

Take the case of same-sex marriage . A progressive position, which seeks to adapt to new social practices and customs and which aims to banish prejudices that existed for decades or centuries, supports that two men or two women can marry. On the other hand, someone with backward thinking will prefer not to modify the legislation and will choose to demand that homosexuals cannot marry.


The idea of ​​retrograde motion is used in astronomy.

retrograde movement

In astronomy , retrograde motion involves the rotation or movement of a star in its orbit clockwise, observing it above the North Solar Pole .

In addition to all of the above, we cannot ignore the existence of what is known as mercury retrograde, which is an expression that is based on ancient times, when the planets were considered to reflect what was the will of the gods and which, in the same way, became elements that significantly influenced the affairs of human beings.

Specifically, it was determined that each planet came to represent human impulses and that was supported by two pillars: the signs of the zodiac and their corresponding twelve houses. All of this goes to show that when the term Mercury retrograde is used, what we want to determine is that a period of retrograde or weakness in terms of communication or logic is going to occur.

Hence, when a person, through their astrological chart or astral situation at that moment, is considered to have Mercury retrograde, it is recommended that they become more reflective about their affairs, that they stop to analyze and think about the decisions they make. have to take…

Retrograde ejaculation , finally, occurs when the semen that was supposed to come out through the urethra ends up being redirected towards the bladder due to some type of disorder.