Definition of



In sports, the result allows us to establish the winner.

The result is the corollary , the consequence or the fruit of a certain situation or process . The concept is used in different ways depending on the context.

In sport , the result is the balance that results from a competition and which, at the end of it, determines the winner. If in a soccer match team A scores three goals and team B only one goal, the result will be 3 to 1 in favor of team A. It should be noted that, before the final result, there could be different partial results. Going back to the example, the match starts 0 to 0 . If team A scores the first goal, the partial result will become 1 to 0 in its favor. Thus the result is modified successively until the playing time ends and the final result is reached.

Justice in sports results

Although sports are based on a series of rules that must be strictly followed for a given match to be considered valid , the result of a match is not always fair, since the presence of referees and judges can subjectively influence the outcome. final score .

Even in the most technical disciplines, such as ice skating, where the movements of the participants are measured millimeters, there is no single acceptable assessment, since each judge observes the exhibition from his own perspective, with his knowledge, with his expectations. , and you can also allow your mood to positively or negatively affect your work.

The concept in mathematics

Result, in the field of mathematics , is what an operation yields. The result of adding 2 + 2 is 4 ; The result of subtracting 9 – 1 is 8 .

Multiplication and division also produce results. It is important to note that mathematics does not always offer an exact and unquestionable result to any expression, as scholars continue to explore the confines of this science and question the foundations on which it has been based until now.


The accounting result is the difference between income and expenditure of money in a given period.

Accounting result

For accounting , the result is the variation of an entity's resources in a certain period. Simplifying the notion, we can say that the accounting result is the difference that exists between the expenses and income of money of an organization during a certain period.

If a company spends 50,000 pesos and generates income of 80,000 in a quarter, it can be said that the quarterly result reveals a profit of 30,000 pesos . Perhaps more intensely than in other fields, the result can make the difference between success and failure; The consequences of an investment to bring an innovative product to the market can catapult a company to the top or plunge it into the abyss, leaving dozens of people out of work and staining its name forever. When economic interests are involved, a wrong step can be fatal .

The notion in everyday life

Outside of the exact sciences and controlled experiments, in everyday life we ​​observe the results of our actions and decisions constantly, often every hour, even if we do not pay attention to each one of them. Human beings tend to complain about our luck with much more determination than we invest in reviewing our actions and evaluating whether it was because of them that our plans have not worked as we expected.

Everything we do has a consequence, to a greater or lesser degree: we breathe and that is why we collaborate with the oxygenation of the cells and continue to live; We help someone who really needs us and thus we brighten their day; We buy a product at an excessive price and then realize that we have been scammed. There are certain things that we cannot control directly, such as the phenomena that occur in our body involuntarily, but that does not mean that we experience the results they cause in our lives at every moment.