Definition of



The area of ​​the seat where the back rests is known as the backrest.

The backrest is the part of the seat where the back rests . It should be designed in such a way that the person can sit comfortably and adopt a posture that is beneficial for their bones and joints.

The ideal posture involves little tension and minimal energy expenditure. The back of the seat, in this sense, has an important role in helping the subject maintain proper posture and avoid pain, fatigue and potential injuries. For example: “I don't like the backrest of this chair: it makes my back hurt,” “The company bought chairs with ergonomic backrests for the well-being of employees,” “Please find a seat with a backrest for grandpa.” .

Support as support

In another, more symbolic sense, support is a guarantee , protection or support .

“Yamila was able to study in Europe thanks to the support of her family”, “Since he was little, Lionel Messi had the support of his parents to dedicate himself to football”, “I would love to buy this house, but I need financial support to pay the mortgage” y “The president has given support to the questioned governor” son frases que muestran este uso.

The term in computing

In the field of computing , the notion of backup is used to name the backup copy . Those documents considered important by the user are those that deserve to have a backup (that is, a copy for security reasons). This way, if for some reason the original file is lost or damaged, the user can appeal to the backup.

Backups are usually saved on pendrives, CDs, DVDs, in the cloud or on a hard drive, although it is important that they are on a different drive than the original file to prevent information from being lost.


In computing, the notion of backup copy, backup copy or backup is used.

Backup Center

A data processing center (generally known as a DPC, the place where an organization locates the resources it needs to process its information) that is created to be able to control another DPC if a problem occurs is called a backup center .

Large companies , such as a bank, cannot contemplate losing their customers' information or ceasing operations if a problem occurs in their processing center. Among the possible emergency situations are fires, earthquakes and acts of terrorism; Although these are not normal situations, they are probable, and a company of such magnitude must be prepared to face them.

Your design

The design of a backup center shares the bases of a normal CPD, but there are certain fundamental points to take into account:

  • The location : it is essential to choose a geographical location different from that of the main CPD, to prevent the same emergency situation from affecting both. Generally, the average distance is 30 kilometers and is closely linked to the limitations of the communications technology used by the company.
  • Compatibility : all equipment and computer systems used to build the backup center must be 100% compatible with those of the CPD to which they replicate, although not necessarily the same. It is important to clarify that it is not necessary to be able to perform all the tasks of the original CPD in the event of an incident, but criticism is sufficient. For this reason, the possibility of using smaller caliber components is considered and a distinction is made between a clean room (when the main CPD is copied exactly) and a back-up room (if similar equipment is used).
  • The software : although the hardware may differ in power, it is essential that the programs are the same, that they have been updated to the same versions and that they have been equally patched.
  • The data – All main CPD information needs to be in your backup centre, which is not always possible and represents a huge risk to clients.