Definition of



The resonance of an event is given by its repercussions.

Resonance is a term that has its origin in the Latin word resonantĭa . This word can be translated as "quality that makes something sound repeatedly" and it is established that it is made up of several perfectly recognizable components:

-The prefix re- , which means "backwards" or "again."

-The verb sonare , which is synonymous with "to sound."

-The -nt- element, which is used to indicate the existence of an agent.

-The suffix -ia , which is responsible for recording the "quality."

Different meanings of resonance

The first meanings recognized by the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ) are linked to sound : it is about its prolongation, the repercussion generated by another or the elementary sound that follows the main one produced by a musical note.

For mechanics , resonance is the phenomenon that occurs when an element is influenced by a periodic force that has a vibration period similar to the characteristic vibration period of the element in question. Thus, a small force that is applied repeatedly causes the amplitude of the oscillating system to become larger.

Electrical resonance , on the other hand, is generated when, in a circuit with reactive elements, there is an alternating current whose frequency causes the reactance to become infinite (if the reactive elements are located in parallel) or to be canceled (when they are placed in parallel). series).


An MRI allows different types of diagnoses to be made.

The term in medicine

Within the medical field, magnetic resonance imaging has achieved notable importance in recent years since, thanks to the test, more accurate and reliable diagnoses can be made, because certain parts of the body and their damage can be better observed than with a simple X-ray would not be visible.

In this case, this type of resonance is identified by these other hallmarks:

-No type of radiation is used in it. In this case, the use of powerful radio waves and magnets is used.

-All images obtained through the use of resonance respond to the name of slices.

-It is important for the person who is going to have an MRI to come without any type of metal object.

-The process is very simple: the patient, dressed in a hospital gown, will have to lie down on a stretcher and it will slide gently into a large tube that looks like a tunnel.

A phenomenon that is based on certain properties of the nuclei of atoms is known as nuclear magnetic resonance . From these properties, images of the composition and structure of a body can be obtained. Doctors use this technique to diagnose various pathologies, such as cancer.

Resonance as repercussions

The notion of resonance, finally, is used with reference to the repercussions produced by an event .

For example: "The sayings of the Spanish president had a great resonance in our country" , "The triumph of the Czech tennis player generated resonance throughout the world" , "I thought this news was going to have more resonance, but it went almost unnoticed" .