Definition of



A resolution can be a decision of an authority.

The act and consequence of resolving or resolving (that is, finding a solution to a difficulty or making a decisive determination) is known as resolution . The term can be used to name courage or courage or the desire to do a certain thing.

For example: "The forward faced with determination and kicked from outside the area" , "I recommend that you enter his office with determination and inform him that you do not plan to stay after hours" , "If you do not act with determination, they will pass over you" .

a decision

A resolution also mentions what must be decided : "I have made a resolution: next month I am going to sell the car and, with that money, I will go on vacation to the Caribbean," "We can't continue like this: we have to make a decision." resolution before it is too late" , "The president did not take long to inform the ministers of her resolution, who received the news with great surprise" .

Another use of the concept is associated with the decree or ruling of an authority. A judicial resolution is a procedural action that arises within the framework of a court and that resolves the requests of the parties involved, ordering compliance with certain measures.

The judicial resolution and the administrative resolution

In this sense, it is necessary to highlight the existence of the term known as a final judicial resolution. An expression that is used to refer to the sentence or decision that is made in the aforementioned field of law and that is final since it is considered that there is no type of appeal that can be presented against it.

Compared to it, there are other types of resolutions such as the condemnatory one, which is the one that is identified because the ruling made by the judge is favorable to the plaintiff , or the appealable one, which is the one that allows a series of actions to be presented or filed against it. resources.


Image resolution is associated with the quality or level of detail of a photograph.

In the same way there is the acquittal resolution, also known as dismissal, which is the one that is defined by the fact that in it the relevant judge or jurisdictional body does is express itself through a sentence in which it agrees with the accused.

An administrative resolution , on the other hand, is an order issued by the person responsible for a public service and that is based on the area where the service in question governs. According to experts, it is general, mandatory and permanent.

The concept in the field of image and physics

Image resolution , finally, is linked to the level of detail that can be observed in it. The notion is common in digital photography : the higher the resolution, the greater the visual quality and detail: "They already sent me the photos from the party, but they don't have good resolution," "I bought a high-resolution camera to portray the landscapes."

There is also what is known as resolution power. In the scientific field of Physics, this term is used to refer to the ability of an instrument itself to be able to show or reproduce images of two objects that are or are close in space or time.

And we must not overlook that the concept at hand is also part of an adverbial phrase: in resolution. This is fundamentally used to express that the end of a specific reasoning has been reached.