Definition of



The resolana can be the place that allows you to sunbathe sheltered from the wind.

Resolana is a term used to name the place that allows you to be placed under the sun's rays and sheltered from the wind . For example: “The plant must be located in the resolana to develop without problems” , “Where will there be a resolana?” “I want to rest a little,” “We will stay in the sun until the sun goes down.”

It is worth mentioning that the first meaning that we find in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ) indicates that the word resolana is an adjective, and that it can also be used as a noun. In this way, it serves to indicate that a place is ideal for sunbathing without the discomfort of the wind, as can be seen in the following example sentences: «They hid in a quiet corner , where they could resist without problem until the night fell. night» , «At midday there is no better location than the sunny gallery of the hotel, since the temperature usually exceeds 35° easily» .

The sun shines like the reflection of the sun's rays

In some countries, the notion of resolana is used to name the reverberation or reflection of solar rays . In this sense, the sun can appear when there are clouds that prevent the direct arrival of sunlight : “I'm going to look for my sunglasses since the sun prevents me from seeing clearly,” “Lying on the sand under the sun, drinking a daiquiri, Mustafa felt happy,” “The sun entered through the window and woke up the baby, who was sleeping in his crib.”

The use of the word reverberation seems strange in this context, since its most common definition refers to a sound phenomenon that occurs when a sound can be perceived for a time after having been emitted; This can be seen in theater halls prepared for holding musical concerts since reverberation is one of the elements that academic artists most evaluate before making the decision to go on stage.


The notion of resolana can be used to name the reflection of the sun's rays.

Sun reverberation

The diffuse reflection that occurs from the heat or light coming from the sun is known as sun reverberation . This is also called resol: this is how the term resolana is interpreted in countries such as Cuba and Mexico .

On Mexican soil they also speak of resolana to describe the resistero , which is the period following midday in which the heat is most difficult to endure or the place in which said heat is felt with special intensity.

The sun, in short, can also be associated with the heat generated by the sun's reflection: “At this time of year, the sun feels very strong,” “The midday sun gave me a headache,” “I can't stand this anymore.” “Resolana, I want to drink something cool.”

As can be seen, resolana is a term that allows us to describe different situations and places, some of which are pleasant or tempting for humans (when it describes the place where we can sunbathe without the wind blowing away all our belongings and throw sand on us) and others that cause various discomforts (such as a heat that is very difficult to bear and from which it is not easy to escape, as well as a reflection of sunlight that can cause headaches since it seems to filter everywhere) .

Resolana as a name

Resolana, finally, is the name of various places, commercial establishments and artistic works.

There is a song with music by Eduardo Falú and lyrics by Jaime Dávalos , titled “Resolana” , which expresses in one verse: “May the tenderness of me remain / like resolana under the skin .” Resolana , on the other hand, is a street in Seville , located in the San Gil neighborhood; It is home to the famous Puerta de la Macarena .