Definition of



The idea of ​​reserve can be linked to discretion or restraint.

Reserve is the custody or custody that is made of something with the intention that it serve its time . A reserve, then, is something that is taken care of or preserved so that it can be used in the future or in case of some contingency .

For example: "Luckily we had some money in reserve, so we were able to face these expenses without major problems" , "I brought a spare pair of slippers in case it rains" , "If the strike continues, we are going to have to appeal to the reserve food that we save for exceptional cases .

Reserve as discretion

Caution not to say what one knows or thinks, discretion , restraint and circumspection are also known as reserve.

«Don't worry, you can talk to me without reservations», "I asked him to tell grandfather the news, but with certain reservations" y «In the office we have to speak with reserve, no one should hear us» son expresiones que muestran este uso.

Other uses of the term

Reservation is also the action of allocating a thing or a place for an exclusive use or for a specific person: "Good afternoon, I have a reservation in the name of Miguel Mostal," "I called the airline but they told me that they no longer take reservations." for today's flight" , "The town's hotels have taken hundreds of reservations for this weekend" .

The part of the army that has finished its active service but can be mobilized, the player who is not part of the starting lineup of his team and the financial resources can also be called the reserve.


A natural or ecological reserve is a protected area where the aim is to promote the conservation of the environment and the species that inhabit the place.

The reserve as a land or territory

Another meaning of the concept is related to the territory that is subject to a special regime for the conservation of the environment or for an aboriginal community to live in: «On vacation we visit a beautiful nature reserve in Patagonia» , «This space is a reserve protected by the Government" , "I would like to travel to Chaco to help in the Toba reserve" .

In this framework, an ecological reserve, also known as a biosphere reserve, is a space of virgin or semi-virgin soil that is protected: in which all types of activities that could endanger life and the balance of the organisms are prohibited. species that inhabit that perimeter.

Characteristics of these spaces

Not all green spaces can be considered reserves; Those so called have a certain series of characteristics , such as:

*They have a native geography and ecosystem that are considered representative of the region.

*They include natural ecosystems that have been very little altered by human action and that are considered of great biological value.

*They have a harmonious landscape that allows direct contact of visitors with natural life, as long as their actions do not alter said harmony.

*Must have a certain extension ; enough to constitute a homogeneous unit where life develops in balance and can effectively self-preserve.

*They have a space where research can be done , for educational and scientific purposes: to demonstrate sustainable development models and learn how to protect the ecosystem properly.

*They are within a territorial space whose legislation approves the development of a space with these characteristics and any violation of harmony is considered a crime.

Visits to an ecological reserve

The ecological reserves are strictly monitored but, with some exceptions, they allow tourists to enter to appreciate how life develops in a natural environment.

However, it is essential that visitors strictly observe the rules of behavior : in them, for example, camping is strictly prohibited, nor is it allowed to light a fire or alter the environmental balance under any circumstances. This includes the prevention of extracting fossils, minerals or species specific to said habitat to transport them or another place.