Definition of

Critical review

newspaper article

A critical review is a text that includes an opinion about a work or an event.

Review is the brief and compendious narrative that examines a scientific or artistic work . These notes describe or summarize the main characteristics of a text or audiovisual content. By accessing a review, the reader expands their knowledge about the object reviewed.

Criticism , on the other hand, is the examination or judgment about something or someone. The opinion that is expressed publicly about a show, a book, an album, etc. is known as criticism.

What is a critical review

The critical review , in short, is that brief narrative that includes an opinion about a certain event or fact . The term critical review has a disparate etymological origin. And its first word, review, comes from Latin, from the sum of the prefix «re-«, which is synonymous with «reiteration», and the noun «signum», which is equivalent to «signal».

For its part, the second word of the term, criticism, comes from Greek. More precisely we can determine that it emanates from the word "krienin", which can be translated as "decide or separate."

A journalistic text

A critical review is a type of note that is part of the journalistic genre and that seeks to inform (provide information to the reader) but, at the same time, make an assessment.

This assessment must have an argument that supports why the author issues a positive or negative judgment. The usual thing is that the critical review is carried out on a work that has recently been premiered or launched; In this way, people can access data that they did not know until then and learn about the critic's opinion to decide whether it is worth it or not to watch a movie, read a book, etc.

It is possible, on the other hand, to frame the critical review within the expository-argumentative texts . The author must have precisely understood the work in question to summarize the essential content and must be able to make a value judgment. In this way, the critical review includes a comment on the main ideas of the work and an evaluation by the critic.


In a critical review it is possible to find an argument that supports the author's judgment.

Parts of a critical review

In addition to everything stated above, it is important to establish that every critical review must be made up of a series of necessary sections. Specifically, its structure must be composed of the following parts:

• Qualification.

• Presentation. This is the section in which the data related to the work being analyzed will be disclosed. In this way, this will be where you will find the title of the article, its author, the publication date...

• Summary. In this part, the person carrying out the critical review is responsible for determining the fundamental aspects on which the aforementioned work is based, fundamentally at the level of content and presentation thereof.

• Critical comment. In this case, the author of the review proceeds to establish the opinion he has about the work analyzed, what he liked, what he does not think is appropriate, what it contributes... Of course, it is important that each of their ideas are perfectly argued so that they have meaning and credibility.

• Conclusions.

Broadly speaking, these are the five parts that every critical review must have, whether of a book, a television program, an album, a movie...