Definition of



The review may include a recommendation from the author.

A review is a short and compendious narrative . The term is usually used to name the examination carried out on a scientific work , a book , a film , a record , etc., and which is published in a media or at an academic level.

For example: "Yesterday I read the review of Gus Van Sant's new film: it seems to be very good" , "The writer was furious with the literary critic for the review of his latest novel" , "The teacher asked me for a review" . on the work of Charles Dickens» .

Characteristics of a review

It can be said, at a general level, that the review is a note that describes or summarizes the most salient aspects of a text or audiovisual content, which helps the reader to know the work in question in greater depth, even before having direct access to it. That is, the person who reads a review of a movie learns about its plot and goes to the theater knowing what it is about.

The review aims to offer a panoramic (general) and critical view of the object reviewed. These are descriptive-informative texts that can arouse the reader's interest (to watch a movie, read a book, listen to a record, attend an event) or deter him.

The organization of the review includes an argumentative structure, which begins with an introduction of the object to be discussed, continues with a position taken by the author (arguing and justifying his opinion , whether favorable or negative) and concludes with a reaffirmation of the position adopted.

In short, a review includes a summary or synopsis and a description of a work. The author pours his judgment into the text, carrying out an evaluation of the content and presenting his qualification through a score or a reflection .

Of course, the presentation made by the reviewer is the result of his or her appreciation . The testimony is subjective , so its estimate or verdict may or may not be shared.


It is common for a review to establish a counterpoint or make a comparison with other works.

Tips for its preparation

When writing a book review, it is important to base it on a solid and orderly method so as not to leave out any point and to communicate to readers the impact that the work has had on us. The first thing that many experts recommend is to create a draft with the topics we want to discuss and a sketch of the structure we want to give to the work.

To attract readers from the first line of a review, there are various tricks: one of them is to include a quote from the book, a phrase that intrigues them, that captivates them and does not allow them to leave the text ; Another very common tactic is to present a question that cannot be fully answered until you have read the entire article . This last resource is widely used in reviews of all kinds; Let's look at an example: "Will this be the work that finally shows us the most hidden side of this enigmatic writer?" .

Another point to keep in mind is the topic the book deals with; It is important to develop it appropriately and provide the reader with the necessary tools to develop their own opinions. In addition to the theoretical background about the axis of the work, a small but complete look at its world, its landscapes, its characters and the stories that live in its pages is usually shown.


The level of detail of a review at the time of analysis may vary.

Review Examples

Let's look at an example of a review: «The Australian author's new novel revolves around a conspiracy in the government of a fictional country. A cabinet minister, willing to do anything to stay in power, devises a plan to eliminate the president. From that intention, a series of events develop that the writer narrates with good rhythm and agility. The book is ideal for lovers of thrillers, but may disenchant those who aspire to find deep reflections or analysis of complexity .

Let's now take a movie review: «The experienced British director once again shows his ability to entertain with a story full of adventure, where an explorer believes he has found the map to a land that is home to a lost tribe. The performances of the protagonists are convincing and the special effects perfectly accompany the development of the plot. My rating: 8 points .

The importance of sincerity

When reading a review, it is always pleasant to know the author's reaction when he comes face to face with the work for the first time; By sharing our experience, the feelings that the book awakened in us, we get closer to the readers, we show them that "we trust them." Furthermore, we should not fear sincerity: for our work to be effective, it is essential to communicate our true assessment , even if this means expressing total disagreement with the author's principles.

It is advisable to compare the work with other works by the same author, or with related books, to give the review a well-defined perspective . Furthermore, whenever possible, it is recommended to find relationships between the problems dealt with in the book and the sociopolitical situation of its time. Finally, a conclusion must be written to reaffirm our position and include certain comments that have not found their place throughout the review.