Definition of



A theatrical performance is a staging.

From the Latin representation , representation is the action and effect of representing (making something present with figures or words, referring, substituting someone, performing a work in public). Representation, therefore, can be about the idea or image that replaces reality.

In that sense, a representation is a staging , whether for aesthetic, entertainment or other reasons. For example: "The representation of Cervantes' work in the theater was the great success of the summer season" , "We are working together with a group of actors to represent the life of the leader" , "It is not a real conflict, it is just a representation .

The theatrical performance

It is in the field of theater where representation is most frequently spoken of with this meaning that we have now mentioned. In this case, we must emphasize the fact that it basically consists of staging a story before a specific audience and making use of elements such as music, scenery, lights, sound and, of course, dialogues or monologues. the different characters.

Specifically, to make a performance great and satisfy the audience, it needs elements such as a good director, magnificent and close performances by the cast of actors, a solid text and adequate scenery and costumes.

In this way, any staging will be able to captivate the audience. Throughout the history of theater there have been many performances that have achieved maximum success. However, among all of them we could highlight "The Mousetrap", based on the work of the same name by Ágatha Christie; "Les Misérables" by Victor Hugo or "The Phantom of the Opera" by Gastón Leroux.


A lawyer assumes the legal representation of his client.

Filing on behalf of another person

The thing that represents another and the group of people that are presented on behalf of others is known as a representation: «This sculpture is a representation of war according to the artist's worldview» , «The Secretary of Commerce presented a proposal to the workers representing the government» , «The North American representation in the last Olympic Games garnered more than a hundred medals» .

In the field of entertainment and sports, representation also takes on special importance. And actors, singers or soccer players require the services of a representative who is responsible for getting them irresistible job offers, attractive contracts and an enviable work present. This professional has to be a friendly person, approachable, smart, knowledgeable about the reality of their sector and, above all, with a lot of negotiating skills.

Legal representation is a power that one person (natural or legal) grants to another to act on their behalf. Such representation may be legal (such as a guardian or conservator) or arise from the private will of the parties.

In representative democracies, we speak of majority or proportional representation depending on the way in which the representatives of the people are chosen through elections. Majority representation is the procedure that consists of electing representatives by majority of votes, while proportional representation establishes various proportions depending on the number of votes and the number of elected representatives.