Definition of



An introverted person usually withdraws.

Replicate is a term that derives from replicāre , a Latin word. The first meaning mentioned by the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ) refers to the action of bending or twisting something several times .

The idea of ​​withdrawing can be used with respect to the person who chooses not to express their emotions, feelings or thoughts , locking themselves in their privacy . In this way, the subject who withdraws is not communicative nor does he share what happens inside him.

For example: "After the death of his mother, the little boy began to withdraw and became very quiet" , "When faced with aggressive people, I will always withdraw: I don't like to expose myself" , "From the questions of the police, the young man began to retreat .

Causes that lead a person to withdraw

As can be seen in the three previous examples, not all people withdraw as part of their character , but in some cases this need to cut off communication with the outside arises as a result of a traumatic experience, such as the death of a person. a loved one.

On the other hand, even individuals who tend to withdraw because this impossibility is part of the fundamental traits of their personality can act in a more relaxed way if they are in front of people with whom they feel comfortable.


Introversion can lead us to show ourselves in a distorted way in front of others, to let out the worst in ourselves and to hide our virtues as if it were a twisted selection process to displease others, and withdrawing is one of those decisions . since it distances us from our environment .

However, talking to the right person can help us open those doors that we thought were firmly closed. Whether our personality prevents us from sharing our deepest feelings or after a very difficult event to overcome we cannot find a way to do so, a compassionate and receptive attitude from the other side can make us soften.


Withdrawing the army implies an orderly withdrawal of troops.

Retreat as an orderly withdrawal

The notion is also linked to the orderly withdrawal that is carried out after an advance or an attack . In this sense, the term is frequently used in the military field: "The United Nations Organization demanded that the Asian country withdraw its troops" , "The president ordered the withdrawal of the armed forces after the agreement signed yesterday" , "The international outcry to withdraw the army was not listened to by the European leader .

Not only the army can withdraw, but also the police and other security forces that had to act in the face of certain incidents: "We are not going to withdraw the police forces until the protesters leave the premises."

The concept in sport

In the context of sport , withdrawing is the movement that a team develops when it begins to occupy positions closer to its defensive zone : "After scoring the goal, the home team decided to withdraw its midfielders to strengthen the defense."

Such a decision by a team can arise as a result of different situations: on the one hand, it is possible that the technical director tells his players to change their distribution on the field after discovering that the opposing team is more powerful or versatile than they thought. I expected ; Another reason could be an injury to one of the defenders, or one of the forwards.

Retreating to the defensive zone, therefore, does not always indicate a lack of confidence in the skill or strength of the players, but can occur as a result of one of them having suffered an accident: if the scorer is injured, the team has fewer chances of scoring, while if the unlucky one is one of the defenders, the opposing team's chances increase.