Definition of



Repetition occurs when a student must repeat the grade they were studying.

Repetition is the situation that occurs when a student is not promoted to the next grade, so they must repeat the one they were studying . This term is not recognized by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) but, nevertheless, its use is quite frequent in the field of education .

For example: “Repetition in the educational system of this country is a very serious problem” , “I don't think that repetition helps children” , “In my opinion, repetition is the best way for a student to assimilate knowledge”. necessary for their adequate training.”

Causes of repetition

Repetition occurs due to low grades . Typically, the student must pass a certain number of subjects to pass the year. In the event of not passing said number of subjects in any instance (that is, in the regular course plus the recovery exams that are established after the end of the course ), the student will repeat and must, the following year, take the same course again. degree.

Although the repetition mechanism is common in all countries, there is no consensus among educators about the convenience of the method . For some, repetition is a burden that the student must always carry no matter how much they improve their grades in the future. For others, allowing students to advance and advance without the minimum level is counterproductive.

In this way, repetition appears as a problem to be solved by educational systems, since the punishment is maintained for the child who does not pass the required subjects, although everything possible is done to prevent them from reaching this situation.


Repetition is usually the first step towards dropping out of school.

Relationship with dropout

Repetition is one of the phenomena that threatens the schooling of a country, and it goes hand in hand with dropout, since many times the first is the door to the second. There are several factors that contribute to the high indices of these variables in many parts of the world; One of the main ones is that some institutions do not have the entire cycle and force their students to change schools, which entails a difficult adaptation process, both to a new group of people and to a different educational model.

Other problems that may arise as a consequence of said atomization in the educational offer and that more than once result in repetition or desertion are the increase in the investment necessary to face the new educational center (either because its quota is greater or because it is located in a more remote area than the previous one and requires a more expensive trip) and the lack of available places, which turns the search for a new school into a real nightmare.

On the other hand, there is a regrettable situation that takes place in many classrooms around the world every day and that pushes thousands of children and adolescents to an almost certain repetition, which begins with voluntary absence: humiliation by teachers towards students. students. There are not uncommon stories of teachers who exert excessive pressure on some of their students or who mock them if they have difficulties learning, or if they do not complete their tasks on a regular basis, which represents a real abuse of authority .

Normally, faced with such experiences , some students choose to be absent from class until they are suspended, taking the first step towards the snowball that will eventually push them to repeat the course. Given that in many cases their parents or guardians do not maintain close relationships with them but rather work too many hours a day or deliberately ignore them, minors do not encounter major obstacles and repetition becomes almost inevitable.