Definition of



Distribution may consist of the delivery of mail, packages, merchandise, etc.

Distribution is the act and consequence of distributing . This verb describes the distribution of a certain thing in different places or dividing it into several parts .

For example: “The supplier just called to let them know that they are late with the delivery,” “I think Román's delivery of the food is not fair,” “The newspaper delivery started about two hours ago.”

Distribution as distribution

As can be seen based on its definition, the notion of distribution can be associated with the concept of distribution . In the field of economics and commerce , distribution is based on the delivery of merchandise or products to the final consumer or to a company .

A person who subscribes to a monthly magazine receives each edition at their home thanks to the distribution of said publication, to mention one case. A supermarket that sells bread but does not make it, needs the bakery's delivery to arrive in order to offer said product to its customers.

social help

When something is divided and given to different people, it can be called distribution.

a division

Distribution can also be about the division of something to offer its fragments to multiple recipients or take them to different places . The distribution of a cake implies its division into portions, while the distribution of wealth involves its distribution among all the inhabitants.

In this case, starting from the meaning of division, we have to emphasize that we usually speak of distribution to refer, for example, to the equitable distribution that thieves carry out with their loot. But it is also used to determine the share of the assets left by a deceased person among his legitimate heirs.

Other uses of the term distribution

However, we cannot forget that there are several Latin American countries where the term in question has a different meaning from all those proposed so far. Thus, for example, in Cuba the aforementioned word is used to refer to a residential type neighborhood .

In Nicaragua and El Salvador , for their part, all land that is divided and delimited with the clear objective of building new homes is also called distribution.

In the field of social security , distribution means the method based on the idea of ​​solidarity insurance that, based on the mandatory contributions made by working citizens, has capital to pay for the retirements and pensions of employees. retired workers.

The concept in theater, film and TV

Casting is also the relationship between the characters and between the actors who carry out a theatrical, television or cinematographic work: “The cast of the film is excellent” , “I would like to be part of the cast of a Greek tragedy” .

In the field of interpretation, then, casting is used to define a specific type of performer within artistic production. Thus, when we talk about a supporting actor or actress, we are referring to someone who plays supporting roles and not leading roles.

These aforementioned interpreters also have an important weight, despite not being the central axes, who also see their work rewarded at the level of recognition. In this way, for example, the famous Goya Awards , film awards in Spain , establish the corresponding award for both supporting actors and supporting actresses.